English :
I hope you all enjoy it, Thank You has become a good Seeders and indeed this song is quite difficult to find, but I am kind enough to give all of you my files.
日本人 :
Indonesian :
Aku harap kalian semua menikmatinya, Terima kasih telah menjadi Seeders yang baik dan memang lagu ini cukup sulit ditemukan, tetapi aku berbaik hati untuk membagikan file miliku kepada kalian semua.
English :
If you want to ask ReSeed please comment because I will always check continuously.
日本人 :
Indonesian :
(Karena aku dari Indonesia, maka aku membuat ini juga bagi para Leecher Indonesia) Untuk yang meminta ReSeed silahkan berkomentar ya karena aku cek tiap hari dan jangan lupa share kembali ya di Website kalian masing-masing karena Album lagu ini cukup sulit untuk disearching.
> Thanks! Is there an album for the sequel?
Unfortunately it's very difficult to get it, I just happened to find an album picture like this. And I only found the OP. Other EDs are not included.

Even this album that I uploaded this morning is also difficult to get, I happen to still be able to get it except for the sequel version. I really can't get it or look for it.
Comments - 4
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)
ariefwibowo01 (uploader)