I can't disconnect the current HDD just yet (still UL'ing DB/GT Remuxes) so I figured I'd upload the GT Singles by Madman.

Thanks to JySzE for hosting this on his server and whomever bought and ripped the DVDs. I'd like to own 'em too, but they aren't cheap at all and I already own the R1 edition, anyway.
Not much. This is the PAL transfer by Madman and may or may not look slightly better than FUNimation's release depending on who watches it.
Madman's Dragon Ball Z Single release did have something different, one episode featured Singles' quality (forget what's the technical term) while the FUNimation Single contained the same episode, but with Dragon Box Z quality.
Found a comparison:

Note: It doesn't look that yellow.
Thanks. Hey also are you able to seed this again or reupload?
Or if you are going to release JP BD of Kai with eng subs I'll just wait
I thought you were the one who bought them , since you always used to praise these Madman DVDs along with the ones of DB .
As for the Technical term that you forgot , it's called " Digbeta source " , I'm not sure of the spelling though .
Thank you so much for fulfilling my request . Having you in this fandom is really some thing we are happy and proud of ^__^ .
@ Gnosis
I have the 1TB torrent of Dragon Ball Kai created, thing is, others have been waiting for the DB Salvat/Manga Films' DVDs so as much as I want to share it, I'll have to leave that for later.
@ dragonballlover
I own the Madman DB Saga Sets, DB Movie Pack 2-4 and DBZ Guardian's Return. It's just hard to buy all of it at a decent price.
And you know, I thought about the Digibeta term though I also thought about Digitape so I wasn't sure which one was it.
@Impakt hows the quality between these and the d box, mainly should i rip the audio from these and add to the remux you uploaded or steal the audio form the remux and add to this?
@ Mdsn
The quality is really good, but subjective which one is the best to watch GT. I'd dare to say that the Animax 1080i (or was it 1080p, I forget) upscales is my favorite source.
Also, I ripped the English dub I uploaded the other day from these DVDs. Hopefully someone can find a way to use the Tokunaga Akihito NEP BGM on the FUNimation GT NEPs as that would be way better than the Mark Menza BGM.
Everyone, please keep seeding. I'm not going to make new uploads anytime sooner, rather focus on seeding the DB/GT Remuxes and after that, what many are waiting for.
Maybe Impakt has a better answer for you…
But I use ffmpeg, which has a command line interface which may not look easy to use, and I’m not sure what program would work best that has a graphical user interface since I haven’t tried any. Maybe Impakt can recommend a program. Otherwise I would suggest to go to forum.videohelp.com and ask someone there. At least splitting audio without reencoding isn’t problematic like spliting video. So you shouldn’t run into any problems trying to accomplish that.
I don’t want to bother you to upload anything else right now, but I was curious if you had the Dragon Ball Madman Singles and would consider uploading that at some point in the future, if you had it.
Also anyone who wants the Funimation version of the DBGT Singles, I am still seeding it on nyaa. Just search N12 and it will show all his uploads. I can’t upload while I’m working, and if you don’t see a seed, don’t worry I’ll be back. My speed is slow though because I’m seeding a few things.
I don't think I've got the Madman DB Saga Sets on the other HDD although I can upload it later when I come back. The next DVD ISO batches (Dragon Ball / Doraemon / Shin-chan / etc) of content will start appearing tomorrow or the day after.
I just can't keep seeding the DB/GT Remuxes as I've got limited time to share between them, and the latter is more important. Hopefully those who downloaded will keep on seeding.
Edit: You can use Audacity to split the audio segments. I just shared that so someone would make use of it and not be forgotten.
@Impakt @mrbean i already downloaded the isos, just gonna direct rip em to mkv and chapter split w mkvtoolnix, if i dont get sidetracked and actually manage to finish a gt project this time ill upload the audios
I was wondering what was up with that Box 3 Collection 2 in the picture at the top of this page. It doesn’t have the same design as the boxes for Collection 1 & 3 like this Collection 2 box does.
Also I want to mention that when the ISO for Volume 1 of The Lost Episodes is played with VLC, at 3 minutes and 44 seconds to 4 minutes and 22 seconds it freezes. The time can be different depending on which opening is chosen to play with the video. The time I mention is when the Dan Dan opening is played instead of the Grand Tour Opening which VLC seems to do automatically without choosing Japanese from the DVD menu options screen.
But then I played it using MPC-HC and it plays through that point without freezing. I’m curious if anyone else has this problem with VLC.
I left you a message at https://nyaa.si/view/1247906
Also I looked quickly at the differences between these Madman DBGT singles and the Funimation DBGT Singles. I only looked at episode 1.
The Funimation version has a noticeably sharper image and nice sharp looking grain compared to the Madman version which is noticeably more blurry but still looks very good. Although there is a bit more macroblocking in the Funimation version in some of the lines of the drawings, but isn’t everywhere and it doesn’t seem to affect the characters. Maybe it’s possible Funimation applied a sharpening to the video which could have enhanced the macroblocking seen in the Madman version and would explain why the Madman version is a bit blurry in comparison. But it could just be the encoding for all I know.
The menus look very different, othewise the same setup options exist where from the DVD menu, English can be chosen which gives you the Grand Tour Opening and the English Title card, and if Choosing Japanese, the DAN DAN opening is shown with the Japanese Title card.
There is a difference in the extras for Volume 1 of The Lost Episodes (I didnt’ check any other discs) where the “Trailers” from the Funimation Disc is replaced by “Madman propaganda”. The other 2 extras are the same.
Thanks for the info bro and I did see that last message aswell thanks for all the help. Also wanted to ask if you could possibly seed this
I'm Seeding that now. You're lucky, I was just about to erase the copy I had of those files that I was using to seed with a couple of months ago to make space.
Sorry if its a bit slow, I'm seeding other things and downloading, so it may take a couple of days for you to get it. Also I can't seed when I work so don't worry if I stop, I will be back.
Anyone else who wants that, get it now since I won't be able to seed once Gnosis is done and I erase those files.
Comments - 27
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)