- Spanish
- Catalan
- Euskera
- Galician
- Portuguese
"Edited Edition" meaning this is the censored release so admittedly this is the more accurate release to the broadcast that viewers saw in Spain and Portugal. This is the grainy release.
Note: This torrent will be seeded after I'm done with the previous so just be patient and add yourself to the queue.
Thank you very much. This edition got stuck on the web since they charge you to download these DVDs.
and the web 80tvseries (there they do not charge but they are selfish with raw DVDs)
Thanks for releasing your own DVDs.
Manga Films = No Grain
Salvat = Grain
This is from Salvat:

I bought the Manga Films' release first because I thought it was the superior one, but turns out it was the 51 discs (seriously!) of Salvat that was.
It cost me a pretty penny although it's cool to own and they came complete.
please.. someone could re-seed this jewel?
or create again a new entry with the files?
I would love to have it, honestly...
thank you very much !!
Me encantaría tener esta versión, por favor si alguien la tiene ya sea @Impakt o cualquier usuario que ha descargado la serie:
1 - que vuelva a sembrarla
2 - que haga una nueva entrada/post
3 - que contacte conmigo directamente:
Yo tengo DBZ los DVD's del master DeAgostini que salió en italia. Por si alguien quiere algo a cambio encantado de hacerle el favor.
Os dejo los episodios del primer DVD. Son 4.
Muchas gracias por el tiempo, la paciencia y la dedicación. Y sobre todo gracias @Impakt por hacer esto posible.
Un saludo compañeros.
Comments - 9
Impakt (uploader)