**Original Title**: ファンタシースターポータブル2 インフィニティ
**Genre**: Action RPG
**Year**: Japan 2011-02-24, English Patch v1.0 2020-11-09
**Developer**: Alfa System
**Publisher**: Sega
**Language**: English
**English Patch**: [Weyu](https://gbatemp.net/threads/phantasy-star-portable-2-infinity-english-localization-public-release.576943/)
Phantasy Star Portable 2 takes place three years after the events of Phantasy Star Portable. The humans have now defeated and sealed off the SEED. However, because material resources in the Gurhal galaxy have been depleted, the Gurhalians plan to migrate using technology based on "sub-space sailing theory". The player character is a member of Little Wing, a private mercenary group on the space colony resort of Clad 6.
The main additions to Infinity were
New content:
- A whole new story mode, and the original story is also included.
- A new race you can play as with its own special power.
- More (difficult) missions, areas, new bosses, skills, abilities, and more. This includes a new mission type called Infinity Mission which has semi-randomly generated maps and the player can customize their stats to a degree.
More power progression:
- New, and more powerful loot and more ways to improve weapons.
- A Rebirth system which allows you to reset your level to 1 while keeping some of your stats.
Quality of life:
- You can now "lock" items to prevent accidentally selling them, and among other things, storage space has been doubled from 1000 to 2000 items. Rebalanced gameplay from PSPo2
- Some weaker skills have been improved, and vice versa—two-handed swords are much faster in Infinity for example, which made them more popular this time around.
New features:
- You can now invite your own characters as AI partners, or those of friends who have shared a snapshot of their character with you.
1. " The game is fully localized to English—this means any and all text that can be found in the game is translated."
**!!!** Tested on 6.39 PRO-B10 and PPSSPP v1.7.4 and working.
**!!!** For more info and how to apply the DLCs: https://gbatemp.net/threads/phantasy-star-portable-2-infinity-english-localization-public-release.576943/

Thanks for uploading this here!
I was on the translation team for this project. Please refer to the release post for information on savedata conversion, known issues, and further instructions:
(Note that the instructions are for applying a patch to a Japanese ISO of the game- if you get the game from this torrent, you don't need to do any of that.)
Hey superelmo! The Robotics;Notes patch is done, can you upload the game please?? thank you in advance?https://twitter.com/committeeof0/status/1328176817031835650?s=29
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