Here's all 3 of the DiC English Edited Soundtracks that was ripped via Windows Media Player in HQ FLAC. (Sorry for those, but I never knew what EAC was until now. The files are perfectly fine and will remain as is.) No one uploaded these in a torrent, so why not?
HQ Covers by Sailor Moon Wiki:

"that was ripped via Windows Media Player"
I strongly suggest you switch to EAC following these two guides in order
(Sorry if I was sorta harsh. Did you even listen to the soundtrack? If not, please don't force me to change it)
What's the big deal? At least these is the best versions available and I've uploaded these as is. They're not being updated nor changed. Also, I never knew EAC was a thing and Windows Media Player is more well known than EAC. There's nothing wrong with the files and they sound lossless enough without issues. Can we at least be greatful that this was even posted to begin with?
Again, I already had to make a torrent that took me months to finally set up. I've already put a ton of effort with more of my recent torrents,
" I never knew EAC was a thing and Windows Media Player is more well known than EAC"
You're absolutely right, WMP is more well known than EAC but, that doesn't mean it's better. EAC is the defect standard for any sort of bit-perfect ripping so I thought it would be nice to point out a better program exists. Also, I have been uploading music here for 3 years and trust me, you want to use this program if you're on Windows.
You don't have to listen to me, it's up to you. Just know the majority of people who look to preserve these soundtracks would appreciate a 100% EAC rip.
PS: You're uploading on a public tracker, thick skin is a must :)
Ok, but this will probably be the only Lossless Albums I'll be posting here anyway. Sorry about earlier, I was grumpy and trying to sleep while this torrent was up.
However, I'll see about uploading those with EAC on
Comments - 6
thomasfan1945 (uploader)
thomasfan1945 (uploader)