[](https://i.ibb.co/cDfPL8C/cap-Miyafuji-Strike-Witches-1-ED-BD-1080p-x264-FLAC-789-F9-CFD-00-00-01-01.png "Miyafujiposting~")
Alright! Here it is, [NinetyTwo](https://gungnirheart.subs.moe/) ran the TL through and did some facelift. So here is your subs in ~~[soft serve](https://www.youtube.com/c/WillItSoftServe)~~ softsubbed format.
Encode Source is [philosophy-raws](https://nyaa.si/view/597540), original TL is by [Strike-Subs](https://nyaa.si/view/111623). There is a bonus edited audio track from me from the 10th Anniversary Audio file. Enjoy.
Try not to stuff it in a mini-encodes like 100+ of those sad encoders trying to squeeze the shit out of every bitrate.
In other news...

*Okay buddy.*
PS. **If anyone knows how to contact #Strike-Subs, please let me know.**
I'm looking for their Season 2 TV Releases because there should be KFX for those, but I can't find any link there is still alive. xdcc dead, tracker is also dead as well.
PSS. "69.2 MiB" Nice.
Comments - 3
Shinon71 (uploader)