The story is set in Nagasaki prefecture in Minami Shimabara city, the fabled origin of the Shimabara Rebellion that sent shockwaves through all of Japan in the early Edo period. It is also where a third-year junior high school student named Shirou spends his days with his school friends.
One summer day, Shirou's older childhood friend Akane returns to Minami Shimabara from Tokyo. Shirou and Akane take a stroll around Minami Shimabara with another longtime friend, Tokiya. While these friends are dealing with nostalgia and more complex feelings, a mysterious creature named Goron suddenly appears before them. This encounter with a mere little creature causes great events to unfold once more in this city...
![Cover]( "Cover")
More info:
* [Episode 01](
* [Episode 02](
* [Episode 03](
* [Episode 04](
@Spc_away: Because that's how youtube-dl downloaded them and I'm too lazy to fix it every time. And what does it matter anyway? Just configure your setup so that it always picks japanese audio and english subs?
@kheldorn, it could help only if there weren't releases with wrong language names; with english subtitles with only signs; with english subtitles with commentaries.
Sometimes english subtitles are named "Japanese", because they are for jpn voice. And "English" subtitles - are for english voice, only for signs.
Most releases sustain only the order of subtitle tracks.
Comments - 5
kheldorn (uploader)