Mushoku Tensei Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Ep.1-2 [Fansub][1080p][h264]

2020-12-30 19:01 UTC
File size:
1.5 GiB
Info hash:
Translated by Aion, Raw provided by Julian & Presented by Mushoku Tensei Discord Server

File list

  • MushokuTensei Ep.1-2 [Fansub].mkv (1.5 GiB)
Thanks! Wasn't expecting this so early.
Thanks,can someone send the subtitle file for this one please
Thanks mang. @shimo Aye. Why it's Fan Subbed and not the official trash subs XD
Why is the font size so small? I tried numerous things in MPC and VLC and could not increase it to a normal size
Is the grammar and spelling of the subs good?
@NeoTechni SMPlayer custom styles worked fine for me. MPC and VLC used to be amazing, but lately everything feels kinda bad imho (Not to mention Linux is also a bit quirky sometimes). SMPlayer seems to be the "least awful" currently. I thought it was more of a Linux problem but apparently VLC is not working that well on Windows also. SMPlayer has been my go-to player for a while now, backed by VLC whenever something doesn't work as well as I want it to, so I suggest you try it. On SMPlayer, at least on the Linux version it's under Options (Menubar) -> Preferences -> Subtitles (Left menu) -> Font and Colors (Tab). Should be the same on Windows, or at least something pretty close to it. I have both "Use Custom Styles" (At the top) and "Apply style to ASS files too" checked, dunno if ASS is needed for this but if something doesn't work or seems weird try un-checking it, clicking Apply, checking it again and clicking Apply again. Whenever you check this option it copies whatever you have set up and lets you change it separately with the "Customize" button, feels kind of weird at first but in the end this allows you to only change size or color or any other specifics you want without breaking unrelated stuff (like subtitle position or whatever), so it's actually pretty good when you get used to it.
@Aimdaqs honestly, at about 0:28 there's talk about other people, on this one they are missing but on another torrent they're safe, no idea which one is the actual translation from the japanese version so my current priority is translation accuracy, not grammar. I don't remember how it was on the novel, but it's not relevant story-wise (It's been a while but I did read a ton of volumes of the novel , srsly there's enough story written to last a few years worth of anime, and the story is pretty awesome, I highly recommend it). Anyways, disregarding how accurate this may or may not be, from what I've watched Grammar seemed pretty ok on this one. Just keep in mind there are inconsistencies across different subtitles, so you may prefer looking for the most accurate subtitle even if it's grammar is not that great.
@jsei Didn’t it say kikoemasuka? 聞こえますか? As in can you hear me? I thought this one was fine.
@Matey251 yeah, ok. thanks.


@Frnco Everyone recommends mpv for a reason. It has never failed us.
thats terrible quality and tiny subtitles. I dont recommend that at all
It's a screen recording lmfao I think I'll pass.