v2 with [NCOP (softsub)](https://slow.pics/c/XHExgJZ5) and other changes.
* **Source:** DVDISO R2J
* **Subtitles:**
English: **[CBM](https://nyaa.si/view/446133)** (retimed)
Português (Brasil): **[OMDA](http://omda.fansubs.com.br/)** (edited/retimed)
* **Media Player for DVD (good upscaler):** **[MPV](https://github.com/Moodkiller/MPV-Made-Easy)**

I have been reviewing Monster releases again and came across Figmentos' TL OCR. Have you thought about including it as an alt sub track? I'm finding the dialogue in the earlier episodes to read and come across much better than CBM's subs.
Actually I intend to use only the official tl, I might switch to G_P in the next eps since CBM switched to A-Keep.
And I don't want to go to the trouble of adding a third track.
So OMDA's page has died and so has the torrent with Monster with Portuguese subs here: https://nyaa.si/view/1404608 Can somebody point me to the subs or a suft-subbed set of Monster? There is just a hard-subbed divx-version on the net but that hurts so much...
@mangelus, There is no softsub version outside of this one, as seicher fansub is doing ocr of the subtitles, ie copying the hardsub subtitle using a program.
Comments - 8
Seicher (uploader)