[JimmyThicc] A Tree of Palme (Palme no Ki) (2002) [480p]

2021-01-16 21:50 UTC
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File size:
2.2 GiB
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[![Thumbnails](https://i.postimg.cc/Y0mMK5P8/A-Tree-Of-Palme-mkv-thumbs-2021-01-16-15-45-01.jpg)](https://postimg.cc/8fDqL0Nr) Synopsis: A Tree of Palme is an interpretation of the 1883 novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. It concerns a small puppet, Palme, who was tasked by his creator to look over his ailing wife, Xian. After her death, Palme is visited by a mysterious woman whom he mistakenly believes to be Xian. Shaken out of his sadness, Palme accepts her request to deliver something special to a far-off place known as Tama. This sets Palme off on a journey to discover his own emotions, and what it truly means to be human. Specs: 480p, I ripped the DVD and re-encoded, both Japanese and English in 5.1 in AAC, with ASS subtitles, I did some minor editing and fixed some typos from converting the subtitles. Here is a image comparsion link: https://slow.pics/c/Mgq6xCrO

File list

  • A Tree Of Palme.mkv (2.2 GiB)
This movie is phenomenal if you can look at it through a Jungian lens. It accomplishes what it intends to do: illustrate in motion the traumatic process of individuation. Try looking up Jordan Peterson's lecture on the symbolism in Pinocchio (even if you don't agree with his politics, he leaves that out of the video) it's truly eye-opening to watch this movie through that lens.

JimmyThicc (uploader)

I will add extras later, the extra features from the dvd, and the paper mini book that came in the case in high res - give me a few so I can get these together,