**Title**: Sakura-iro Dreamer
**Original title**: さくら色Dreamer
**Length**: Very short (< 2 hours)
**Year**: Japan 2020-12-25, English Patch 2021-01-18
**Developer**: ALcot
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Translation**: [MatthewHinson](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/l02yo7/unofficial_english_patch_for_mikos_vn_sakurairo/)
[Sakura Miko](https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Sakura_Miko)'s Novel game project.
1. You need to change locale to Japanese.

Only one detection and it's from an engine that's known for not liking Visual Novel exe files, especially Kirikiri engine. If you're trying to say that I uploaded a virus, then you're wrong.
Comments - 4
superelmo (uploader)