[ok&ISSOUj] [BDMV_JP] [Vol.12] ワンピース(ワノ国編) ONE PIECE (ONE PIECE WANO KUNI)

2021-01-20 17:11 UTC
File size:
22.0 GiB
Info hash:
>CRC 64 **5E84E87FF3930D85** [DDL](https://pastebin.com/WSKxKHcP) ty to H-H thanks you very much to ©Toei, ©Eiichiro Oda, ©AVEX, ©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, © Toei Animation, ©尾田栄一郎/集英社・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション and TOEI COMPANY,LTD.(TOE)(D). EMEA territory © 2020 TOEI ANIMATION EUROPE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ![](https://i.ibb.co/N3YvNjm/product-1031006.webp)

File list

  • [ok&ISSOUj] [BDMV_JP] [Vol.12] ワンピース(ワノ国編) ONE PIECE (ONE PIECE WANO KUNI)
    • BDMV
      • BACKUP
        • CLIPINF
          • 00000.clpi (10.4 KiB)
          • 00001.clpi (10.5 KiB)
          • 00002.clpi (10.4 KiB)
          • 00003.clpi (10.7 KiB)
          • 00004.clpi (388 Bytes)
          • 00005.clpi (348 Bytes)
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          • 00009.clpi (1.5 KiB)
          • 00010.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00011.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00012.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00013.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00014.clpi (348 Bytes)
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          • 00016.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00017.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00018.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00019.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00020.clpi (348 Bytes)
          • 00021.clpi (376 Bytes)
          • 00022.clpi (448 Bytes)
          • 00023.clpi (368 Bytes)
        • PLAYLIST
          • 00000.mpls (926 Bytes)
          • 00002.mpls (324 Bytes)
          • 00003.mpls (1.1 KiB)
          • 00004.mpls (226 Bytes)
          • 00005.mpls (252 Bytes)
        • MovieObject.bdmv (598 Bytes)
        • index.bdmv (144 Bytes)
      • CLIPINF
        • 00000.clpi (10.4 KiB)
        • 00001.clpi (10.5 KiB)
        • 00002.clpi (10.4 KiB)
        • 00003.clpi (10.7 KiB)
        • 00004.clpi (388 Bytes)
        • 00005.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00006.clpi (2.6 KiB)
        • 00007.clpi (292 Bytes)
        • 00008.clpi (292 Bytes)
        • 00009.clpi (1.5 KiB)
        • 00010.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00011.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00012.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00013.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00014.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00015.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00016.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00017.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00018.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00019.clpi (292 Bytes)
        • 00020.clpi (348 Bytes)
        • 00021.clpi (376 Bytes)
        • 00022.clpi (448 Bytes)
        • 00023.clpi (368 Bytes)
      • PLAYLIST
        • 00000.mpls (926 Bytes)
        • 00002.mpls (324 Bytes)
        • 00003.mpls (1.1 KiB)
        • 00004.mpls (226 Bytes)
        • 00005.mpls (252 Bytes)
      • STREAM
        • 00000.m2ts (5.1 GiB)
        • 00001.m2ts (5.1 GiB)
        • 00002.m2ts (5.1 GiB)
        • 00003.m2ts (5.1 GiB)
        • 00004.m2ts (22.1 MiB)
        • 00005.m2ts (246.0 KiB)
        • 00006.m2ts (814.2 MiB)
        • 00007.m2ts (24.0 KiB)
        • 00008.m2ts (228.0 KiB)
        • 00009.m2ts (628.9 MiB)
        • 00010.m2ts (282.0 KiB)
        • 00011.m2ts (282.0 KiB)
        • 00012.m2ts (264.0 KiB)
        • 00013.m2ts (276.0 KiB)
        • 00014.m2ts (270.0 KiB)
        • 00015.m2ts (300.0 KiB)
        • 00016.m2ts (258.0 KiB)
        • 00017.m2ts (276.0 KiB)
        • 00018.m2ts (246.0 KiB)
        • 00019.m2ts (36.0 KiB)
        • 00020.m2ts (180.0 KiB)
        • 00021.m2ts (12.0 MiB)
        • 00022.m2ts (39.0 MiB)
        • 00023.m2ts (8.1 MiB)
      • MovieObject.bdmv (598 Bytes)
      • index.bdmv (144 Bytes)
      • BACKUP
        • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)
      • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)

ok_ (uploader)

Wait! ![](https://i.goopics.net/N4XR7.png)
This is the last set you'll be getting cause i'm not posting any more ON U2 WHERE YOU STOLE IT FROM
thanks. u2 I pass it by the balls with its archaic policies

ok_ (uploader)

??? rip, my friend gonna get bannd
jxc3764 baby gonna cry gugu gaga
lol you guys calling him a baby but, what you gonna do when he stops uploading? Will your One Piece BDMVs appear out of thin air? Start buying your own stuff to post and trust me you'll be begging U2 to stay exclusive.
"Will your One Piece BDMVs appear out of thin air?" Nay Sheldon, they will pull it out of their A#$ like all leechers do.

ok_ (uploader)

Idc Sheldon
In other words you have no real response. Well then all I can say is congrats for trying to ruin the community, if that's your goal then good job you succeeded.

ok_ (uploader)

ok_ and xspitfire911 its the cancer of french communauty,he they only steal the work of others, they are hated by the French community ... I am sad because I took these blurays on U2 and because of these big thief shit, I might never see the result with this quality, I already thought of buying the blurays in Japan, but for a French, it is 40 euro the bluray. Thank you jxc3764 I understand the stopping of one piece on U2, hoping that they manage to find where the leak is coming from
> they only steal the work of others > blurays on U2 (tracker - piracy) :')
U2 users right now ![alt text](https://zupimages.net/up/21/03/reps.jpg)
samir755 when he got something from u2, bcs he himself cannot access u2 ![alt text](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/happy-baby-18181441.jpg)
I can't believe some of you Nyaa tards not understanding the concept of something being private stays private. If you leak it expect people to get mad. This is a public tracker so most if not all BDMVs/ISOs die off while people seed and download shitty mini encodes. Uploading here is basically dead weight. By "ok_" doing this he has discouraged the original uploader from sharing more on U2 and now we won't have anything else. So I hope you're happy. You get incomplete Blu-Rays. Now buy shit yourselves and upload your own BDMVs
so you steal JP work and claimed then get mad when someone share it is this amrica joke ?
https://nyaa.si/user/jxc3764 venny and all retards of U2 understand you are not TOEI you just upload to a shitty private torrent site. You do not own rights to anything. Keep on crying like the retards you are
I honestly am baffled by some of the comments here, I've seen better & honest reasoning for not wanting to share on public trackers like Nyaa (basically wanting to feel special and exclusive, which is probably the only reason there is to be quite frank), but never has there been a dumber reasoning like the one given by @Venny and some other commenters, saying that, "it's a waste of bandwidth" and that "it will die out in week".... like honestly why does that matter to you in any way how other people decide to allocate their bandwidth resources, who are you to manage their bandwidth usage for them? The only reason the Original Posters are discourged from sharing is because they'd have lost their egotistical feeling of being The One and as their stuff wouldn't be exclusive anymore.
That's like telling all the people who share remuxes that its a waste because not that many people download them compared to smaller encodes, which is true, but then again at least the 1 or 2 people who want those stuff would have gotten them so please don't say that BULL SHIT about content not being retained for long compared to private trackers because although its true, its a dumb argument. its not like the OP will lose anything from someone who has downloaded their stuff deciding to share the content afterwards on public trackers.
I am on some pretty good Private sharing communities myself and I have seen quite honest people who actually have stated the honest truth that they know they are being quite an A-Hole and selfish for giving those demands but they just want it to be exclusive for the sake of their own ego. Not that dumb reason @Venny just gave... it shows you are not functioning well mentally if you actually think that's a valid reason, it makes you appear almost like a Karen, trying to micromanage other peoples affairs. I see Private tracker communities taking stuff from here from @Lupin_the_Nerd (love your content btw) and make their remuxes and whatnot and then say not to share on private trackers when they themselves have benefited from those public torrents. Other people share TTGA content on private trackers etc, but then their own content must remain exclusive to their Private communities... its just being selfish and acting all entitled and like a 5 year old (at least 5 year olds see to reason when you tell them off)

ok_ (uploader)

Illegality has no privacy ;) Ty ok_ ;)
choosing beggar, still no crowdfunding in public site?

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