**Title**: Utawarerumono: Chiriyuku Mono e no Komoriuta
**Original title**: うたわれるもの 散りゆく者への子守唄
**Genre**: Tactical role-playing game, Visual novel
**Length**: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
**Year**: Japan PS4/PSV Version 2018-04-26, English PC Version 2020-01-23
**Developer**: Aquaplus, Leaf & Sting
**Publishers**: DMM GAMES & ShiraVN
**Language**: English
**Voice**: Japanese
**Related Anime**: [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a3427)
Wake up, Hakuowlo. It's time to face the world again.
You come to in bed, gravely injured, attended by a girl with twitching furry ears and a lush, bushy tail. In time you come to lead the villagers, to whom you owe your name and your life. When the local nobles threaten them, you threaten the nobility right back...
Are you a farmer? A scholar? A traitor? A beast? You've forgotten your past, but has it forgotten you? Command your comrades and fight to defend your family, and discover the secrets of this world—and your own lost history!
The first game in the hit Japanese tactics-RPG visual novel series Utawarerumono joins its sequels back on PC!
1. No need to install.
**!!!** Thanks to ボスB. - 毛皮でほしかった!

Thanks man, going to dll this, like I did for previous, but due to the lack of any 18+, I might as well purchase the whole collection for steam, to support them a bit, when this game also gets cheaper there.
the japanese text version does appear to exist, but someone would need to grab the files from steam, since they aren't in the default install: https://steamdb.info/depot/1151453/
I'd like to request Fata Morgana Remastered if possible, I'd like to patch it myself but been searching and can't seem to find the base game. Thank you superelmo
superelmo please seed again this Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na -Brighter than Dawning Blue- / 夜明け前より瑠璃色な -Brighter than dawning blue- [English Patched], https://nyaa.si/view/835172#com-1
Torrent already dead no seed
@owarisoba @josnick I can play the game here. Can't say I have modified my computer that I could play it.
The first thing you can do is to check if you have all the data and not missing any (you can use your torrent client to force recheck the folder). The exe might have called upon a missing data and since it didn't get it, it couldn't run.
If you are sure you have every data in the folder, it might be that your computer's OS or system type couldn't handle the game. For your information, I'm on Windows 10, x64-based processor. I can only think of either of those two things to be the reason seeing that a lot of people can play it yet some can't play it.
But whether your windows version and system type match or not, you can try compatibility mode and hope it could run the game.
There's also some cases that a new computer couldn't play an old program, but that doesn't apply here.
Good luck. Hope the above helps.
P.s: If you have exhaust all your option, there's some hope that you might be able to play the game if you buy a new computer. Of course, that's an absurd suggestion, but at least there's hope.
Comments - 16
superelmo (uploader)