AAC ver.: [#1333885](https://nyaa.si/view/1333885) ≠ More Atelier Audio [#search](https://nyaa.si/user/noZA_?f=0&c=0_0&q=Atelier)
PC Game: [#1395139](https://nyaa.si/view/1395139)
Atelier Ryza 1 & 2 Official Visual Collection Book: : [#search](https://nyaa.si/user/milannews?f=0&c=0_0&q=ライザ)
Release Date: Dec 02, 2020
VGMdb: https://vgmdb.net/album/104363
IGdb: https://www.igdb.com/games/atelier-ryza-2-lost-legends-and-the-secret-fairy
romaji: Ryza no Atelier 2 ~Ushinawareta Denshou to Himitsu no Yousei~ Original Soundtrack
**`FLAC Vinyl level 8, 24 bit, 96.0 kHz, 2 channels`**
**Disc 1**
01 Somewhen, Somewhere... 5:22
02 A New Experience Summer Adventures 新しい大冒険~fromひと夏の大冒険~ 2:27
03 Adventures into the Unknown Soaring Meaning 未知への冒険~fromソラミミ~ 1:53
04 Timbre of Light and Wind Silver Sound 光と風の音色~from銀の音さやか~ 1:58
05 Beyond Your Reach Wishes and Swords その腕の先に~from願いと大剣~ 1:41
06 Lust for Knowledge Transparent Bookmark 知への探求心~from透明な栞~ 2:01
07 One Summer Memory あの夏の思い出 0:09
08 Okay Lets Start よし、じゃあ始めるよ 0:56
09 I See I See なるほど、なるほどなー 1:04
10 Bustling Capital 王都の賑わい 1:48
11 Taking a Break ひとやすみ 0:14
12 Sunny Again 今日も晴れです! 1:33
13 Beneath the Clear Sky 少し高い空の下 1:30
14 Can I Relax のんびりしてもいいよね? 1:28
15 Hazy Sunset 淡い夕日 1:41
16 Approaching Footsteps 迫りくる足音 1:30
17 Dreams 夢境 2:02
18 Mud 泥濘 1:46
19 Beyond Your Gaze その目の先に映るのは 1:42
20 Danger and Impatience 危機と焦り 1:17
21 Tripping over Nothing 小石がなくても躓くの 1:18
22 Base of a New Adventure 新たなる冒険の拠点 1:57
23 Skipping Along the Cobblestones 石畳にはずむステップ 2:08
24 Shimmering Streetlight 街灯りは揺らめいて 2:30
25 Moved by the Ocean Breeze 海風を背に受けて 2:14
26 Starry Night Lands 星空の大地 2:23
27 The Trees Are Near 木々の距離ほど近く 1:55
28 The Stars Are Far 星々の距離ほど遠く 2:16
29 Deep Forest Daylight 2:14
30 Deep Forest Night 2:17
31 Balmy Summer Breeze 芒種、鼠黐の薫風 5:32
32 It's all uphill from here 3:47
33 Memories of Victory 勝利の記憶 0:47
**Disc 2**
01 Dream of Freedom 自由への夢 1:45
02 Wandering Treasure Hunter 流離のトレジャーハンター 1:46
03 Verdure and Natures Blessing 緑と自然の恵みと 2:07
04 Clouds upon the Moon Soaring Meaning 月に叢雲~fromソラミミ~ 2:11
05 One Small Change ちいさな変化 0:07
06 A New Move 新たな一手 0:11
07 Birds over the Valley 渓谷を渡る鳥 2:12
08 Moon Sleeping in the Valley 渓谷に眠る月 2:14
09 Forgotten Places 忘れられた場所 2:13
10 Arid Pilgrimage 渇いた巡りの地 2:24
11 Slumbering Arid Lands 渇いた眠りの地 2:27
12 Sound of an Ancient Bell いにしえの鐘の音 3:02
13 Where Fire Lives 火の宿るところ 2:32
14 City of Stars Reflected in the Water 水面に映る星の都 2:58
15 Swallowed by the Forest 深森に呑まれて 2:24
16 Ancient Valley Path 谷底の古道 2:20
17 Compass of Recollection 追憶の羅針盤 2:55
18 Beyond the End of History 終の歴史を超えて 4:13
19 We Can Explore Again Summer Adventures また、冒険できるね~fromひと夏の大冒険~ 1:26
20 Hands - climax 1:47
21 Etude ''Adagio'' 2:22
22 Hand Signals ハンドサイン 2:01
23 White Dew Windswept Grass 白露、荻の上風 3:15
24 Monster in the Water ヤロカミズ 4:59
25 ''wish'' 7:00
26 Threats and Confrontations 脅威との対峙 4:07
27 Hands 3:59
###### ※ M1.01 - Vocals: [clammbon](https://vgmdb.net/artist/15123)
###### ※ M2.27 - Vocals: Kotone / 琴音
I don't encode in mp3 anymore. I only do AAC. If you're fine with AAC they're seeding.
However, if you insist on mp3 despite AAC being superior with increased bitrate than mp3 you'll have to grab the lossless which are still being seeded and encode them yourself if you already know how. https://nyaa.si/user/noZA_?f=0&c=0_0&q=BLEND
If you're on linux or mac and its difficult at your end post back saying so and I'll do one real quick and place the ddl it in the description.
edit: see if you can get the mp3 from here https://nyaa.si/view/1249310
hi my apologies, those were the ones without seeds, and thank you very much for re-seeding, that's a miracle in itself these days.
I have a bad habit of wanting to get hold of everything related to a series.
I took a break of 18 years away from anime and so am trying to catch up on things and it drives me mad not being able to find seeds for most everything I'd like to have nowadays and yes, am well aware that complaining about free things shows just how used to having nice things I and perhaps fans in general have become.
I really want to thank you for helping out, they were old releases, you must have others you'd rather dedicate your bandwidth too and it's incredibly lucky you still had them on local storage.
So from an old guy who'll wait and obsess over things without seeds, checking his client way too many times every day, you've not only let me enjoy these cd's, but also reduced my stress about missing out, for which, I owe you a pint. Now I have to take apart a sky box for enough storage to dl the actual series!
TLDR: thanks for being awesome!
I don't suppose you would have this by any chance (a longshot, I know...)
ブレンド・A - ぼなぺてぃーと♡S,デタラメなマイナスとプラスにおけるブレンド考 2017 - X.ぼなぺてぃーと♡S -Acapella- (Anime).flac
It's a good thing you posted on the most recent release because there'd be no way for me to know a seed request was in need for a prior release. Seeing there's no alert message and stuff.
No need to apologize, just ask and I'll seed when I see the post just be patient unless they are on some rip off limited bandwidth plan from their ISP then may have to ask me for a ddl.
Actually I have all AAC files that I release on all my HD's. It's just difficult to seed over 500 files you know? Because I'm also trying to obtain files from others which are also lacking seeds, so If I seed my releases I may not be able to connect to the torrent I'm trying to download. In addition I don't know if those that need seeding can connect to me. The only ones that may no longer be seeded by me are the lossless. Luckily I still have the Blend S lossless on me. Maybe you already got em?
If you need something else for me to seed let me know here or any recent releases.
>ブレンド・A - ぼなぺてぃーと♡S,デタラメなマイナスとプラスにおけるブレンド考 2017 - X.ぼなぺてぃーと♡S -Acapella- (Anime).flac
What album is that? I got all albums except the OP in lossless (I'm content with the AAC I released) and the radio talk albums. https://vgmdb.net/product/6135
You sure that song exists?
Comments - 10
noZA_ (uploader)
noZA_ (uploader)
noZA_ (uploader)