[SubsPlease] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - 45 (1080p) [0BD72208].mkv

2021-02-17 15:32 UTC
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1.7 GiB
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  • [SubsPlease] Re Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu - 45 (1080p) [0BD72208].mkv (1.7 GiB)
Awesome, time for some fun
i don't understand this season at all.. Re: zero is so boring in this season. Previous seasons were much much better
lol I was going to comment that as well the author of Re:Zero's a hack mate, think about it logically. The first season really isn't that good either and the writing's terrible, but we enjoyed the characters and the action but yeah it jumps straight off a cliff into full retard, I would've dropped this if I wasn't already invested 30+ or whatever episode count we're in It was definitely better with the curse being scary and with a lot of unknowns, instead it's just trash moe witches and endless inconsequential shit that runs in circles for no apparent reason. muh sanctuary, it's the most retarded banal writing possible and nothing but trite endlessly, even for a garbage medium like anime I don't know I may just be too old now.. I should read more books......
Pfff... WTF... This season does not tale nothing at all, just go around in circle for a shitty conclusion...
@Rowan That's the sunk cost fallacy, right there. If you're not enjoying the show, there's no point in continuing to watch it no matter how much time you've already spent doing so. Go find something you truly enjoy.
Thanks for the work!
Rowan doesn't drop it because despite all his complaining he enjoys watching these corny Chinese cartoons just like the rest of us
No I've dropped hundreds of anime It quite literally is what Handelo said, I'm watching it because of the Sunk cost Fallacy I'm pretty comfortable dropping most anime though, like the shitty Last Dungeon one this season, or Wonder Egg
how about dropping the comment section then i hate myself for engaging in these discussions as little as i do. as jaded as you are you must be damn near suicidal given how much you post. or masochism is your fetish. which would explain why you keep popping up in every comment section engaging in discussion with all these loli loving cretins. masochism is still marginally better than loli as a fetish so at least you have that going for you
nobody cares retard, you call it jaded I just like quality, also nice projection incel https://pics.awwmemes.com/hurry-up-shes-waiting-for-you-35981637.png pic related btw, isekai yourself
Rowan, you dropped Wonder Egg Priority? Why? I'm planning to watch it btw, I just want to know why lol.
lol must be some life trolling anime torrent sites all day owning everyone please feel free to keep maintaining your throne as the king of autism
hit a sore spot did I? Who's the one living rent-free in your head? I don't even know you dude lmao but you all seem to know me. You're literally simping for a fucking cartoon made by people who share no nationality with you and who hate your gaijin guts, hurt up your ass because somebody had a different opinion than you. Hint, it wasn't just me tons of people have critiqued this season, here and elsewhere.... genuine criticism is necessary or you get more and more unpolished turds, you reprobate mongrel. @Lego-chan ehh I dropped it just because I find mostly female casts annoying and I'm kind of sick of the trope the MC represents, dropped @ ep 2.... I also think the animation while nice visually if you pause frames, it kind of oddly jarring at times much like Horimiya this season, because a lot of it is CG aided and made to look 2d. I also dropped that show too kek after ep 2. Nice Inuyasha pic, watch Ranma for a fun early 90's show it's pretty good ;)
retards in the comments that dont know whats coming in the later stuff lel, imagine being so brain dead that you complain about the writing of this great original unique isekai. this season has been way better than the first, of course some think otherwise because its missing the more gore shit it had in the first season and we know how people like getting off to that, i saw one guy complaining about how he was dissppointed that Subaru stayed this long with out dying this season, its like people only want the same shit over and over, dont care about characters developing, dont care about lore reveals or worse they think this season is bad is because their precious Rem is not in this season, absolute clowns
lol damn rowan way to project. i appreciate the advice, but maybe text-to-speech that and play it on loop while you sleep. i certainly hope you're still a child in school because the way you act is an absolute disgrace for a functioning adult. but dont let me stop you. keep being the best you that you are capable of with your rick and morty shirts and reddit karma. im gonna go back on the outside and give a big old grin to the 4 second jolly i get from seeing you in every comment section trying to be a big boy before moving on with my life. for the record, this show is 5/10 at best, isekai is the worst genre, and this whole season has been lackluster.
Way to project No, YOU are the projector I'm rubber you are glue tier argument and you call me the child unironically isekai yourself dude @randy1925 knowing what's coming, yes it's trash
Rowan please continue, I am on your side.
In today's comment thread: piss vs. shit
@Rowan, drop it then clown, i dare you. instead youll come back every week and bitch and moan, its like you are a irl tsundere, either that or you masochist that enjoys shit down your throat
Okay, calm down, people. It has been 2 days already, come on.
@randy *it's like you are an irl tsundere* this is how I know I'm arguing with uncultured retards shave the neckbeard