Hello! This torrent contains the first three albums from NECRY TALKIE (ネクライトーキー), as well as their singles Oshare Daisakusen (オシャレ大作戦) and CHAKAPOCO (誰が為にCHAKAPOCOは鳴る, OP for Eagle Talon: Golden Spell). I don't have their first two singles Typhoon (タイフー!) and Dakejanai BABY (だけじゃないBABY); versions of all songs in those first two singles can be found in their albums.
1. ONE! (2018-12-05)

2. MEMORIES (2019-07-24)

3. ZOO!! (2020-01-29)

3. Oshare Daisakusen (オシャレ大作戦) (2018-05-11)

4. CHAKAPOCO (誰が為にCHAKAPOCOは鳴る) (2020-10-28)

*All titles of albums and songs titled with Japanese characters, not romaji. Keep this in mind if your system/device doesn't support those characters.*
I hope you enjoy this! Make sure to support them by following their [YouTube.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOvn_LNao_hjdY-A5d7RUKg) If you have the money to spare for them, look them up and listen to them on your favourite fruit and/or green-based (or other) music streaming apps (NECRY TALKIE or ネクライトーキー depending on location, app, etc.) as well.
I also have a FLAC version available [here](https://nyaa.si/view/1344325) if you are interested in higher quality audio.
Please also check out their Digital BiliBili live that they streamed live on YouTube back in July 2020 [here!](https://nyaa.si/view/1345053)
LATEST VERSION: 02/17/2021
* Their web single CHAKAPOCO, OP for Eagle Talon: Golden Spell, is included in this release.
Comments - 2
Tobleh (uploader)
Tobleh (uploader)