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The OVA is sub only as it was never dubbed.
> Recommended media players to use for my releases are MPV and MX Player for Android.
| **Video** | **Resolution** | **Japanese Audio (Default):** | **English Audio:** | **Subtitle Track 1:** | **Subtitle Track 2 (Default):** |
| :-----------: |:---------:| :--------:|:---------:|:---------:|:---------:|
| ```JP BDMV``` | ```1080p``` | ```JP BDMV (Opus, 2.0 Ch 192kbps)``` | ```SCY (Opus, 2.0 Ch 192kbps)``` | ```Signs and Songs (Underwater Modified by SCY)``` | ```Dialogue (Underwater Modified by SCY)```
Second account with weekly encodes: [Click Here](https://nyaa.si/user/AkihitoSubsWeeklies)
>**[If you like this release please help by seeding it!]**


Comments - 3
AkihitoSenpai (uploader)