Shounan Junaigumi v21 (mangafox forum original scans)

2021-03-16 02:09 UTC
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107.0 MiB
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For anyone who's interested and really wanna know the story behind Shounan Junaigumi scan projects and why you will NEVER get find good quality scans of the series anywhere on the internet anymore. Mangafox sucks and hated by everyone. their online reader compressed very low quality image to save bandwidth while putting watermark on chapters stolen by hard working non-profitable scanlators. I went there in the past mainly for the forum where ppl provided download links for their original scans. We didn't have batoto nor mangadex back then, not many other sites hosted high-quality scans neither except online readers from groups' own websites. So these scans in this volume are direct scans from Tokyopop official GTO: The early years from direct download links provided bysome mangafox user I can't remember his/her names to give credit where its due. There were a few of them scanning the books together chapter 180 to 186 original scanned by them. chapter 187 188 were "fixed" by deux (me) today. I was like, 2-3 week late for the party, a few links already died. I grabbed these two chapters from "original" online reader awhile ago which is mangafox's , removed watermark and enhanced them images by x2 while trying to mantain the quality. I could have polish the letters a bit clearer but they're too tiny to begin with. Too much hassle so I didn't bother. I could rescan them faster, then again, I have to to thru manga boxes in the house, find them books in the bottom of a random box, unwrap the books, re install printer software, getting tired just to think about it. No, sorry. I broke down chapters into 27-tankoubon japanese versions (while Bunkoban have 15 printed by tokyopop and vertical) since 2/3 of it was scanlations. I'm gonna do the whole series when I'm less busy. I have feelings that I am among a very few ppl who still have original scans. I remember asking ppl around in the forum to replace dead links , none of them kept anything, even ppl who scanned the chapters no longer had them. then something happened...I'll tell you more about it when I'm done describing what I have . So what I have with me right now on hard-drive are the full series with originals scans from official books and scanlators. Not all scanlations were as good as illuminati-manga or popular groups' releases so I decided to re-scan a few of them. Back then I didn't make a note of what is what so I will have to go thru every single volume, I mean chapter again to find out. It takes time. And I only own up to volume 9 or 10. Then some fucking guy happened. He told ppl in the forum that the quality ain't acceptable (how the hell was png image at 4000px unacceptable!?). He said he would do a much better job if they should handed him the scans before uploading them to the ppl. So they did and...ohhhhhh I got the whole picture now. That's why they removed all the download links. I was lucky to get there in time when they're still in the process of doing so. What a f*cker.... Ok , so this guy did return the scans where he downsized them to 1200 or 1400px, throw in a bit of photoshop editing at semi-amateur level then called it a day. He said this way easier for people to download. We used to keep things on megaupload before site owner went to jail, or went bankrupt , something. No one complained so why should I? by then already I grew out of deliquent-themed manga (the scans came like 7-10 after the books came out, ppl wouldn't be able to buy most of them off ebay/amazon by that time already). So, someone in the forum pointed me to "the guy" facebook. Talked to him nicely and ask him to send me the original scans back. Waited 2 3 weeks , no reply. Back then FB didn't feature awaiting message inbox so it went straight to his main inbox. Asked him nicely again. Guy acted like an *sshole like "why should I bother?" went back and told some ppl in the forum (who also missed out on the chapters). A lot of them were very pissed but didn't wanna say anything. I mainly tried to get it to share with freinds (don't wanna lend my books to them lol) , I already have the physical books , too much to go thru so after awhile I was like ah whatever and left.. so, the only thing you get today are direct uploads to mangafox reader, a few random chapters I uploaded on my blog (some ppl reuploaded somewhere) , some original scans from scanlators who picked up the project along the way, the rest are destroyed by the hands of that fucking guy who, not even God knows why, just want the public to read his shietty remake version of the manga. The end. Just give up your search.

File list

  • Shounan Junaigumi v21.cbz (107.0 MiB)
Since you upload more obscure manga, would you be able to find anything from Shigeo Ito and Gen Takamochi? Odoru Mishin and Shukufuku-oh for example? I cant find them anywhere

ryosabeya (uploader)

@RevolutionaryOfThe6Paths: I've been interested in these guys for awhile but no scans so far. Maybe someone I know have the raws. I didn't ask them.
hey, are you the "deux" that wrote that description or did you copy and paste it from somewhere? And where? By the way, is it so hard to find anyone that has the whole series and get them to scan it? I understand it's not so famous, but it's still linked to GTO, isn't there any hardcore group of fans willing to share what they have? I can't believe the scans that were lost weren't on anyone's hard drive when it happened so that they could be salvaged.
I doubt anyone will see this dead torrent from a banned user or this comment, but I don't care (and I don't want to create a new torrent for these chapters)... I have scans of chapters 135–152 and 180–267 in their original quality (at least as they were originally posted). Unfortunately, I don’t have chapters 153–179 (if I recall correctly, the user never re-uploaded those chapters and Mangafox forums dead long time ago). The quality may vary from chapter to chapter, but at least it's a little better than what's out there. Enjoy!