Pixy Junket (1999) [VIZ] (IA Rip)

2021-03-19 19:16 UTC
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  • Pixy Junket [VIZ] (March 1 1999).cbz (300.1 MiB)
Intelligence Artificial? Insane Asylum? Intended Atrocity? Immense Accents? Including A-holes (more commonly known as "uncensored")? Yes, I'm curious too...
I'm pretty sure it stands for an insufferable autist.
IA=Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/pixyjunket00pure

ryosabeya (uploader)

@2 assholes above: I explained it once or twice before and The list is long anything you can think but this is only funny for 5 year old boy . I can find a much clever answer but I have no time for this shit so instead, grow the fuck up. You're not on the internet to read any fucking manga. Find another fucking hobby.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@admins: can the admins of this fucking website do anything about these fucking assholes? especially warcheef , it's clearly he tried to pick a fight with me from day one. Is there any block button anywhere? and where the fuck is the report page. I don't care what this fucking troll say, peace or war I don't give a shit. I DON't WANNA SEE HIM ON ANY OF MY POST.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@the rest of you: and where is anyone when they're makingfun, bullying, insulting anyone, playing asshole anytime they want to? and whenever someone decided to say anything back to them, a whole fucking bunch of you jumped out to tell us to stay calm, and "ignore". So why can't you fucking "ignore" anything I said about them? better yet, they hide behind a fucking monitor to make a troll outta their useless fucking lives, leeching day in day out.What I hate about sharing is that fucking guy like warcheef have access to my library any fucking time he likes, grab and read what the fuck ever (but I don't think he ever read anything), then insult and make fun of uploaders, pretty sure I am not the only one who suffers from this. After it's all said and done , a few months after, they just make another fucking clone account, playing collector, manga guru kinda shiet re-uploading ppl's stuff including mine and the internet will suck it up to them. Ok they win. I'm outta here. For good. This time around. If you need anything, fucking ask warcheef.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@Mr_Kimiko: hey, I have nothing against you but I can't help thinking that you and that guy warcheef came from the same group of ppl, the impression is too strong that sometime I see him as another clone account of yours. I am sorry if you have nothing to do with this but to prevent myself from becoming a fool I'd appreciate it if you stop talking to me all together. I'm outta here anyways.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@the whole lot of you again: NO Im m NOT ignoring shiet. WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING IGNORE WHAT I SAID ABOUT THEM? why don't you understand what I was trying to do from day one, not protecting myself alone? Double standard bigots.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@warcheef: Not playing gangsta around here but I will fucking murder you if on the streets for real, not because of how nasty you talk and behave alone but I just hate good-for nothing self entitled kinda of trash like you and will put you back where you belong: the back alley.
@ryosabeya NO! Please don't leave! Your clone-kohai needs you! I want more retarded screenshot compilations, comment strings, terrible scans, blog entries in broken English in the description, incoherent info links, and other people's stolen work!
Whats the problem with you guys, respect the releaser, and respect his work, what is wrong with you?

ryosabeya (uploader)

@yota71: they're not here to read manga.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@warcheef: you listen to me this time around because it’s the last fucking comment and you listen to me good, you mother fucker: your troll ain’t doing nothing to me from day one. Only because I have scanlator friends who quit the scene because of fuckers like you in the past, and some other ppl I know suffer from cyber bully . One of my female friends decided to take her life away , somehow she survived but things no longer the same. Ever since I promised to myself that I would fuck a bully up real badly in real life if ever see one. But this is the internet , there’s nothing we can do and loser coward like you will never fucking learn it the hard way. I can’t get over what I said to myself that’s why I fucking leave. I don’t fucking steal anything from anyone so shut the fuck up, if I can’t provide credits it’s because I don’t fucking know. Tell me a single fucking scan/rip from other ppl that has my name on it? NONE!! “Incoherent” info links for you and other fuckers because I am NOT reponsible for your lack of knowledge. “broken” fucking English to you because I can spend my time learning 4 other languages. Long story short: I don’t give a fuck. But do you know many scanlators, scanners and rippers out there speak English as a second language? you souless senseless disrespectful fucking piece of shit. why the fuck do I have to go thru this shit when I have nothing on gain on this site? I have most scanlations I need and I know how to rip things myself. I uploaded someone’s rip simply because it’s already been ripped and shared somewhere else. If I don’t share my rips, it means I don’t want to and I don’t need to fucking explain why. You are the only one who ever complain anything and insult me for no reason at all. I left mainly because I don’t want to give the rights to ungrateful entitled fucking cunt like you to access my library. I know other ppl really appreciate what I do but that can’t be helped.

ryosabeya (uploader)

@warcheef: hey fucker, there are still many lost scans from 20 years ago that ppl really need to day, why don't you go "steal" them from somewhere to impress the people? what the fuck do you think this site is for? Of all people, you're the one to judge lol If you think my stuffs are garbage why the fuck do you have to keep coming back to my posts and give me shit. You ain't trying to make things better for someone else or the community, you just try to get back at me for calling you out. You know jack shit about manga. Shut the fuck up. it's not about manga, so stop pretending. I know you want something else from this community. Don't drag other groups into this. you're playing very dirty you know that? like I said , I ain't no gangsta but will fucking massacre ppl like you in real life. Too bad it's only the internet. And troll always win on the internet because that's the only thing you're good at. So long fucker!!

ryosabeya (uploader)

mannnn I have to come back because I just can't get over this funny stupid fucking part of the argument when you tried to make fun of ppl for not speaking perfect english. why the fuck are you in this section again? waiting for foreign books to be translated into english hahahaha. How fucking old are you again? people are not usually this stupid hahaha lolll
You try to make an appeal to Nyaa staff while spewing death threats & insults and being completely unable to let go & move on. Wanna bet who they'll remove first?
@ryosabeya: I was just making a joke. No need to call people assholes just because you clearly have issues. I'm real curious how you function in life with a hair trigger like that.
@higuize: He thinks he is invulnerable just because he uploads every page of manga he can get his hands on. I guess that justifies being insufferable and going overboard threatening people. @yota71: You don't see a problem in how he abuses people based on a few innocent comments? Honestly, telling people you will end their lives. Just sick.
@BakaTheThird i see how he is abused over and over again, just check his release because his scan are not as good as danke one or kimiko one and so on But the fundamental thing is this: you dont like him dont follow him, and leave him be, this is common sense.
@yota71 Since you asked seriously I'll answer seriously, but look, you should at least check the guy's comments and uploads before you defend him. On his very first upload, he flew into a string of screaming incoherent toxic comments after one relatively innocent comment aimed at him and kept going with that attitude with every single upload. When he was called out on his behavior on said first upload, he again flew into an incoherent autistic rage of numerous comments demanding people to identify themselves and send him pictures and screaming insults that would make a 7-year-old cringe. Then, in what he probably considers a power move but was actually the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen, he started to add screenshots of how he ToTaLlY oWnEd people in the comments with his incoherent walls of text. Besides, "his" scans are not "not as good" - they are worthless garbage. Did you ever wonder why Internet archive scans are not being uploaded anywhere? The answer is - because they are so bad, you'd have a better time not reading the scanned manga and ruining the experience forever. The scans that guy uploads are clearly not his, he is clearly not a scanlator, and he clearly isn't some oldfag that has been around for years since no adult from Cannada speaks in a broken mess of a language or throws childish tantrums on random websites. He didn't scan any of those books, a random librarian did - which is why the scans are fucking terrible and on most panels, you can't even figure out the background. The scans that are relatively fine are done by other scanlators and are already present on Nyaa and well seeded. No one needs this absolute trash, and no one needs shitty re-uploads of other scanlators' actual good work with fewer seeds and no credit. TL;DR - Thieves and trash pedlers with attitude problems should get the fuck out. Cleaning up your kitchen and throwing out people who shit where they eat is rather important if you don't want it to become a toilet.
@ryosabeya Honey, I get that you want my attention real bad, but you'll have to try harder! ♡ I expect the next string of comments to show a variety of the 40 billion imaginary languages you know. And you bet I want more screenshots! Besides, weren't you on your way out? I was going to hold the door for you, what a shame!
@ryosabeya please ignore these retards and don't waste 1 second of your time replying to them! This was the first monthly manga I ever bought back when it was released, still have the issues in storage. Thank you so much for sharing this here!!!
@warcheef things dont change, you dont like it dont comment dont like his upload ignore him, dont waste word on useless comments even if comments are "innocent" when i dont like someone release i ignore him/her.
@yota71 Well sounds like we have a very different approach. So I think I'll keep doing "me" and you keep doing "you". Would that work out for you, friend?