Just Beatrice with Cman subs (lightly restyled by me to look less gross but otherwise untouched). Holumux covered season 2 and the OVA with my styling if you're interested, and if you like this show's dub then go with UDF's release
v2 changes: Episodes 2, 3, and 4 needed a -900ms delay. If you have v1 just replace those three episodes.
Video Track: 714p hi10 h264 (Beatrice-Raws)
Audio Track 1: (Default): Japanese 2.0 FLAC
Audio Track 2: Japanese 5.1 FLAC
Subtitle Track 1: (Default): English Dialogue (ARC)
Chapters: Yes
[Full mediainfo here!](https://pastebin.com/r54iyjGJ)

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