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Request them in the comments or on our discord server.**
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As for this release I have OCR'd the English PGS subtitles to .ass and did some basic styling, I also fixed the typos + grammar errors that arose when I OCR'd them.
I'll also be releasing the complete Fate main route batch within a week or two.
- Fate/Zero
- Fate/Stay Night 2006
- Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works
- Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel Movies I-III
Once the USBD is out I'll mux in the dub and create a Dual-Audio release with the same video.
> Recommended media players to use for my releases are MPV and MX Player for Android.
| **Video** | **Resolution** | **Japanese Audio (Default):** | **Subtitle Track:** |
| :-----------: |:---------:| :--------:|:---------:|:---------:|
| ```JP BDMV``` | ```1080p``` | ```JP BDMV (Opus, 2.0 Ch 192kbps)``` | ```Dialogue (Restyled JP PGS Subs)```
Second account with weekly encodes: [Click Here](https://nyaa.si/user/AkihitoSubsWeeklies)
>**[If you like this release please help by seeding it!]**






Up top in subs description it says "Dialogue (Restyled JP PGS Subs)" Are the subs in Japanese as well as the audio? Can't tell since there's no Screen shot displaying Eng subs. I was looking for something easy to re-encoode back to original AVC8bit.
Comments - 5
AkihitoSenpai (uploader)