We once again go inside the human body to join our old friends in dealing with various situations. Wounds, viruses, bacteria, and all sorts of other things that want us dead. It’s up to our buddies to make sure we live to see another day.
Well, it’s the second season. Pretty much the same as the first season. Sadly, in my opinion, not as good. Not only is the season only 8 episodes this time, but the animation seems to have gotten a downgrade, and the pacing is all over the place. While the finale is pretty good, the series wasted a whole lot of time on the beneficial bacteria, which were just so damn boring. They also abused the hell out of the narrator explaining the situation. We don’t need to be told what something does every single time it happens. This isn’t Yu-Gi-Oh, and I KNOW what Pot Of Greed does. The subtitles are from Subs-Please. Special thanks to Lupin the Nerd for the BDMVs.
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DmonHiro (uploader)