\>they'll be flopyai enough to label the next episode "4" so that the raws and the subs will have completely disconnected episode numbers
We at MoyaiSubs have decided to skip the scheduled live action episodes of Mewkledreamy Mix, and we have no plans to sub them. Also we're renumbering them to better reflect this, lmao.
**v2 Changes**
- An older WIP version was used in the v1 by accident, so we've updated it to the new version. Sorry about that!
**Video**: 10-bit h264 1080p
**Audio**: AAC
| Role | Staff |
| ------------- | -----|
| TL | _Sino_|
| Editing | _Courtney Deworst, sveldte_ |
| Typesetting| _Sodra, Adi_|
| Encoding | _Jes_ |
| Timing| _Jes_ |
| QC | _Gonbechyan, Sodra_ |
### Recruitment
We're looking for:
- A translation checker for Mewkle
Send a message to basil#3517 or Gonbechyan#9891 on Discord or DM us on Twitter if you're interested. If you want to help out in other areas, feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about it!
\>We're looking for: A translation checker for Mewkle
Damn, should've started recruiting earlier.
I would've removed the shitty amogus line from the last season in a heartbeat.
Comments - 6