Metroid - manga collection [english translated]

2021-07-15 14:45 UTC
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File size:
464.4 MiB
Info hash:
#### **Metroid - manga collection** (english translated) ![alt text]( "Metroid") **Contain :** - Metroid volume 1 & 2 (approx. between 7xx by 1200 and 8xx by 1200 res) *"Never released on Western shores, the Metroid manga is the "official" story of Samus's tragic past. The 16 chapter story is split into two separate volumes, and is the longest and most detailed account of Samus's adventures published in comic form. The manga starts from Samus's humble beginnings as a innocent child, and ends with her raid of the planet Zebes from Zero Mission. This is cleaned scan and English translation of the original Japanese version."* - Metroid Prime - Episode of Aether (over 1400 by 1900 res) *"Metroid Prime: Episode of Aether is a rare manga available for the first time in English! The story retells Samus' adventures from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. It was published in Comic Bom Bom from July 2005 - January 2006."* - BONUS : first two chapters of Metroid volume 1 colored (however pretty low res) **Format :** CBZ Found on and put into cbz files by me. It's the best quality scantrad possible to find on the web to my knowledge. If there's any issue with any file, feel free to let us know. #### *► Please, seed to help sharing the torrent !* ### *" The Last Metroid is in Captivity. The Galaxy is at Peace."*

File list

  • Metroid ~ manga collection [EN]
    • Bonus
      • ch1 colored.cbz (5.4 MiB)
      • ch2 colored.cbz (6.4 MiB)
    • Metroid - volume 1 [EN].cbz (48.7 MiB)
    • Metroid - volume 2 [EN].cbz (76.2 MiB)
    • Metroid Prime - Episode of Aether.cbz (327.8 MiB)
Let's check it out! Thank you very much.

NekoTrix (uploader)

Thank you both, it's great that you did a DL backup ! I'm seeding on my seedbox so there should not be issues with this torrent, but help is always appreciated !
Looks rare! Thanks!!
I'm still hoping to find high-res raws for this someday, because the books online go for way too much.
thanks so much

NekoTrix (uploader)

You're welcome :)
It was really kind of you to sort this out and to share it with us all; have been meaning to read this for years now. Thanks for being awesome : )
Thanks! Any chance you can also do this for the 4 volumes of the Samus & Joey manga?

NekoTrix (uploader)

@kita24 Well, when I discovered a Metroid manga existed and wasn't seeded anymore on nyaa, I decided to create a great package of the best scan available of that manga. It's really not much, but I appreciate your comment ! Thank you @Vlieger I can do that if you leave me a week to create the package :) Next week end, it should be seeding.
Thanks I'll look forward to it!
As much as the Metroid manga is basically official since it ties into Metroid Zero Mission (having been released alongside it) and doesn't really diverge from the events of the games, and is of alright quality, the Aether manga is absolutely awful and doesn't match the spirit of the series at all, on top of being non-canonical since Samus was sent alone to Aether. No idea why they greenlit such a work.

NekoTrix (uploader)

@Vlieger It's seeding ! ( @kuma_kun Yeah I can understand, my only wish was to share the Metroid manga to a broader audience. Thanks for pointing it out.