### [How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom](https://anilist.co/anime/117612/Genjitsu-Shugi-Yuusha-no-Oukoku-Saikenki/) - 03 | *Let My Loyalty Not Be Blind*
Here is episode 03! There is a phone, ~~it's a bit of a shame they never rickrolled us.~~ (Would be "Haha funi" moment. Though it might be too comical for that cut.) Oh yeah, there's a [insert song](https://youtu.be/9ZKXtk3C3-4). Personally I don't have much to talk about without actively spoiling it. We got the first appearance of *the maid*… Unfortunately she didn't show too much of herself/had very few lines.
As per usual, we released about 1 week late (It's a bit later but whatever.)
While looking up the insert song song in anidb, 0x539 came across this... Genjitsu has these tags right now... I mean...

Previous Encoder didn't send us a encode of 03, so CR it shall be.
Without further ado, here is the staff for this current episode!
Encoder: KRP *(WebRip, No Encode)*
TLC: Aria
Timer: Shinon
Editor: [0x539](https://nyaa.si/user/The0x539)
TS: KazuyaShuu
KFX: Shinon (OP KFX), [GHS](https://nyaa.si/user/ghostosenpai) (OP Romaji Lyrics, ED KFX, ED Romaji, Insert), [Setsugen no ao](https://nyaa.si/user/Setsugennoao) (Insert)
QC: [GHS](https://nyaa.si/user/ghostosenpai)
OMG did everyone just notice that when Juna sings her song in front of Souma it's the opening theme to Slayers??! One thing I do have to criticize is they are introducing one particular character way to early. But oh well, not much I can do about it.
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