[MoyaiSubs] Pokemon Advanced Generation - 001 [2663CA61].mkv

2021-07-31 22:29 UTC
File size:
134.9 MiB
Info hash:
We're 19 years late but here --- **Discord:** https://discordapp.com/invite/DMK8sH5 | Role | Staff | | ---------- | ----------- | |TL|_Bloo_| |Editing|_Courtney Deworst, Gonbechyan_| |Typesetting|_Jes, Rowan_| |Timing|_Jes_| |QC|_Courtney Deworst, Gonbechyan_| ### Recruitment We’re looking for: * A translation checker for Pokémon Send a message to Courtney Deworst#0008 or Gonbechyan#9891 on Discord or DM us on Twitter if you’re interested. If you want to help out in other areas, feel free to get in touch and we can have a chat about it!

File list

  • [MoyaiSubs] Pokémon Advanced Generation - 001 [2663CA61].mkv (134.9 MiB)
Any chances that we have every pre BW! season subbed in entirety in this decade?
I've been waiting for this my entire life, thanks!
Wait, has this never gotten a proper sub before?
Thanks!! Sure hope you plan on doing the entire series!!
AG001-AG016 have all been subbed by Excal
Didn't Excal sub them like almost 20 years ago? It's nice to have consistency across a series, though.
Yeah, Excal did it pretty much like 20 yrs ago, so the quality is shiet (they're .avi files). Wish the subbers of this release would mention if this is simply a one-off release or if they intend to do the entire series though? Both AG and half of DP are sub-less which sucks, as it was during this time the dub turned to shit with music replacement and all that, so them being subbed would be such a huge help to the show.
@waylan4 The translation notes on here (https://nyaa.si/view/1410817) list that they are completing ALL of Johto and thinking about if they want to either do AG or DP next. If Moyai DOES decide to work and complete AG, then SOSS can concentrate on DP next, and we might finally be able to get ALL of Pokemon finally subbed! (Also hoping one day that the rest of Side Stories gets subbed too, as only a few did, along with the other missing PokeToon)
this is the fourth english subbed version of ag001 that i have now... but still thanks for the effort
i know this is completly off topic but can someone please make a pokemon torrent with all the pokemon japanese opening and ending animations and can someone please make a pokemon torrent with all the pokemon japanese opening and endind songs full and also all the pokemon japanese movie exclusive songs you know because ive looked everywhere for these a lot of times some of them are on youtube but a lot of times they always get taken down do to copyright so if anybody ever gets a chance and can do this please and thank you sorry thought id ask here because theres a lot of comments plus this is a recent torrent so.
ive been looking everywhere for all the japanese openings and endings as well as the movies songs not the openings from the movies but the movies songs you know because you know that there not always on youtube and everywhere else because of all the freaking copyright.and all i can ever find is the games complete music i mean come on theres never a complete generation series torrent you know one with all the current openings and endings man id like to just find one because you know sometimes i want to just listen to a certain song and i have to go all over the place just to find it so if someone could please help me out that would be much appreciated thanks.