令和3年 広島平和記念式典 2021年08月06日

2021-08-06 00:49 UTC
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390.4 MiB
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令和3年 広島平和記念式典 [総合] 2021年08月06日 午前8:00 ~ 午前8:35 (35分) 戦後76年となる8月6日の平和記念式典。新型コロナのため昨年同様、規模を縮小し開かれることになった。市長の平和宣言や総理大臣の挨拶、被爆者の祈りを生中継する。 ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/DNO0Bk3.jpg "令和3年 広島平和記念式典") 戦後76年となる8月6日の平和記念式典。ことしも昨年同様、新型コロナウイルスの感染防止のため、参列者席を大幅に減らして行われることになった。番組では、式典の様子を生中継。市長による平和宣言や総理大臣の挨拶を伝える。さらに、ことし1月に発効した「核兵器禁止条約」に向けた被爆者の思いや、核兵器廃絶を訴えてきた亡き祖母の思いを受け継ぐ若者の取り組みをリポートで紹介。広島から平和への思いを発信する。 【アナウンサー】豊島実季

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  • 令和3年 広島平和記念式典.mp4 (390.4 MiB)

theoadam (uploader)

I will resume my regular uploads when I'm back to my regular residence. I'm still at my summer residence.
The following comments are not directed at the uploader. 今まで、広島、日本、そして日本全体のほとんどの人々は、彼らが核爆発の犠牲者であるとまだ思っていますが、なぜ彼らが核爆発にさらされたのかについて考えたことはなく、彼らの国の過去の侵略戦争と彼らが犯した過ちは世界の人々を引き起こしました痛みと喪失 直到现在日本广岛乃至全日本的大部分人还在认为自己是核爆受害者却从未想过自己为何遭受核爆,从未想过自己国家过去发动的侵略战争和所犯的错误给世界人民所带来的痛苦和损失。 直到現在日本廣島乃至全日本的大部分人還在認為自己是核爆受害者卻從未想過自己為何遭受核爆,從未想過自己國家過去發動的侵略戰爭和所犯的錯誤給世界人民所帶來的痛苦和損失。 지금까지 일본 히로시마에 사는 대부분의 사람들, 심지어 일본 전역에 있는 사람들은 여전히 ​​자신이 핵폭발의 희생자라고 생각하지만, 그들이 왜 핵폭발을 당했는지에 대해서는 생각해본 적이 없으며, 그들의 나라가 과거에 침략전쟁과 침략전쟁을 겪었다고 생각해본 적이 없습니다. 그들이 저지른 실수는 세계 사람들에게 고통과 손실을 초래했습니다.
The following comments are not directed at the uploader. Until now, most people in Hiroshima, Japan, and even the whole of Japan still think that they are victims of nuclear explosions but have never thought about why they were subjected to nuclear explosions, and have never thought that their country’s past wars of aggression and the mistakes they have made have caused the people of the world. Pain and loss. จนถึงขณะนี้ คนส่วนใหญ่ในฮิโรชิมา ญี่ปุ่น และแม้แต่ทั่วประเทศญี่ปุ่นยังคงคิดว่าพวกเขาเป็นเหยื่อของการระเบิดนิวเคลียร์ แต่ไม่เคยคิดว่าเหตุใดพวกเขาจึงถูกระเบิดนิวเคลียร์ และไม่เคยคิดว่าสงครามการรุกรานของประเทศตนในอดีตและ ความผิดพลาดที่พวกเขาได้ทำไว้ได้ทำให้ผู้คนในโลกนี้เจ็บปวดและสูญเสีย. Hingga kini, kebanyakan orang di Hiroshima, Jepun, dan bahkan seluruh Jepun masih berfikir bahawa mereka adalah mangsa letupan nuklear tetapi tidak pernah memikirkan mengapa mereka mengalami letupan nuklear, dan tidak pernah menyangka bahawa perang agresif negara mereka di masa lalu kesalahan yang telah mereka lakukan telah menyebabkan orang-orang di dunia ini.Penyakit dan kehilangan. Sampai saat ini, sebagian besar masyarakat di Hiroshima, Jepang, dan bahkan seluruh Jepang masih menganggap bahwa mereka adalah korban ledakan nuklir tetapi tidak pernah memikirkan mengapa mereka menjadi sasaran ledakan nuklir, dan tidak pernah berpikir bahwa perang agresi dan perang masa lalu negara mereka. kesalahan yang mereka buat telah menyebabkan orang-orang di dunia Sakit dan kehilangan.
The following comments are not directed at the uploader. Hanggang ngayon, karamihan sa mga tao sa Hiroshima, Japan, at maging sa buong Japan ay iniisip pa rin na sila ay biktima ng mga pagsabog ng nukleyar ngunit hindi kailanman naisip kung bakit sila napailalim sa mga pagsabog na nukleyar, at hindi kailanman naisip na ang mga nakaraang digmaan ng pagsalakay at ang mga nagawang pagkakamali ay naging sanhi ng mga tao sa buong mundo.Pananakit at pagkawala. ယခုအချိန်ထိ၊ ဂျပန်နိုင်ငံ၊ ဟီရိုရှီးမားရှိလူအများစုနှင့်ဂျပန်လူမျိုးများက၎င်းတို့သည်နျူကလီးယားဗုံးပေါက်ကွဲမှု၏သားကောင်များဟုထင်ကြသော်လည်း၎င်းတို့သည်အဘယ်ကြောင့်နျူကလီးယားပေါက်ကွဲမှုများကိုခံရသည်ကိုတွေးတောမတွေးခဲ့ဖူးပါ။ သူတို့ပြုလုပ်ခဲ့သောအမှားများသည်ကမ္ဘာကြီးကိုနာကျင်စေ။ ဆုံးရှုံးစေခဲ့သည်. Өнөөг хүртэл Японы Хирошима, тэр байтугай Японы бүх хүмүүс цөмийн дэлбэрэлтийн хохирогч болсон гэж боддог боловч яагаад цөмийн дэлбэрэлтэд өртсөн тухайгаа огт бодож байгаагүй бөгөөд эх орныхоо түрэмгийлэл, дайн гэж хэзээ ч бодож байгаагүй. тэдний хийсэн алдаа нь дэлхийн хүмүүсийг зовлон шаналал, хохирол учруулсан.
@MagicStar-subs Shut up chink
@MagicStar-subs Take your 50 cents and fuck off
@Bakaparanoia You need an excellent psychiatrist, even so it may not be able to heal you. Good Luck. ^ _ ^
@MagicStar-subs ![alt text](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7DvXX_XoA0MJET?format=jpg&name=small)
@Bakaparanoia Sorry, I made a mistake. You can't even count people. You should find an animal psychologist. Ah, but there seems to be no such doctor. And I will not reply to a sick animal again.
@MagicStar-subs ![alt text](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E7CWXQMXEAIeQA3?format=jpg&name=360x360)
@MagicStar-subs ![alt text](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6hUGM_VcAI6r6G?format=jpg&name=900x900)
@theoadam Thank you for the upload. Enjoy your summer vacation, and I am looking forward to the few days of many uploads that will traditionally take place once you are back. @MagicStar-subs I don't think that your comments here are appropriate. But since you brought it up, let me ask you: when is China going to pay reparations to the rest of the world for doing biological experiments on weaponizing viruses, and allowing nCOV-2 escape the containment of Wuhan biological research facility, infecting entire world and causing millions of deaths?
@urokugaeshi Please come up with conclusive and sufficient evidence to prove that the virus came from China, rather than just speculate through overseas media that are known for false news and reports that achieve certain goals. If you can’t get it out, please don’t misinterpret my comments. The original intention, whether you are intentional or unintentional, is to discuss matters, not to change the subject. But I would rather believe that you are one of the victims of false and unscrupulous media. 虚偽のニュースや特定の目標を達成した報道で知られる海外のメディアを通じて推測するのではなく、ウイルスが中国から来たことを証明する決定的かつ十分な証拠を考え出してください。私のコメントを誤解します。あなたが意図的であろうと非意図的であろうと、本来の意図は問題について話し合うことであり、主題を変えることではありません。しかし、私はむしろあなたが虚偽の悪意のあるメディアの犠牲者の一人であると信じたい。 请你拿出确凿和足够充分的证据证明病毒来自中国,而不是仅仅通过海外那些以不实新闻和达到某些目的的报道著称的媒体来进行揣测,如果拿不出来,请不要曲解我评论的本意,不管你是有意或无意,就是要论事,不要转移话题。但我更愿相信你是那些虚假和无良媒体的受害者之一。
@urokugaeshi By the way, I suggest that you live in mainland China for a period of time. Maybe you can understand what the truth is, and therefore change your prejudice against China, although the chance of changing the prejudice is very small. ちなみに、中国本土に一定期間住んでいることをお勧めします。偏見を変える可能性は非常に低いですが、真実が何であるかを理解できるので、中国に対する偏見を変えることができるかもしれません。 顺便建议你去中国内地生活一段时间,也许你就能明白真相是什么,因此而改变对中国的偏见,虽然改变偏见的可能很小。
@MagicStar-subs Thank you for confirming that you are mainland Chinese, and for inviting me to China. Between 2016 and 2019, I've been to both Peking and Shanghai multiple times, spending in total over 3 months in Jinqiao, working with Pu Dong Civil Aviation Authority so I have an idea what life in China is like. I don't think, that I will be returning to China or Hong Kong in the foreseeable future for a simple reason - China kidnaps foreign nationals and holds them in jail for years without contact with embassy and without trial. Now you are going to make excuses, but the facts are here: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-56452981 and here: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/canada-warns-citizens-about-possible-hong-kong-exit-bans China is a country of kidnappers and hostage diplomacy, and any foreigner going to China right now has a chance of never returning. That's what China does to foreigners, and as for the Chinese citizens... Dr Li Wenliang is a good example. He tried to save his own people. Instead he was called a liar and spreader of rumors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Wenliang#/media/File:%E6%9D%8E%E6%96%87%E4%BA%AE%E7%9A%84%E8%AE%AD%E8%AF%AB%E4%B9%A6.png That's how China works.
@MagicStar-subs If you don't want rumors and false information, then please tell me: Where is the "Patient 0", the first patient, that got infected by COVID in China? Why did China never provide any information, or virus samples from that person? Why did China did not allow an WHO investigation team until a year after the epidemic started, and why did China obliterate all evidence and all information about COVID spread? No answer? I don't need "false news" and speculations, where the facts that China is lying and hiding information are evident. So back to the original question: China was doing research in weaponizing viruses. Chinese researchers published their research about it between 2014 and 2018. Virus leaked from a biological research facility in Wuhan. Virus killed millions of people in the world and in China (but in China, who counts? Chinese COVID stats are lies and fabrications, because the numbers do not make sense when compared with numbers from other counries). So when will China pay reparations to the rest of the world?
@urokugaeshi The so-called evidence and reports are all strategic reports on China by the bad media headed by the BBC overseas. To a large extent, they are conspiracies and lies that have been packaged and carefully planned. They only listen to such voices and ignore the facts. It's a terrible thing. Li Wenliang himself has no problem speaking, but the problem lies in his sloppy approach as a doctor. Some overseas media used this as an entry point to weave out a set of lies about the so-called patient No. 0.
@MagicStar-subs Cool story, bro That response right there, is basically everything anyone needs to know about the rhetoric and spin that is going on inside China for consumption by the Chinese people.
@urokugaeshi The epidemic situation in mainland China has been effectively controlled. Although there are some potential outbreaks in recent days, compared with the past, the mainland China has more experience in controlling the epidemic and will surely tide over the difficulties in the end.
@urokugaeshi In addition, I have been living in China since I was born. The Chinese know what the mainland of China is and have the right to speak. What I mean by coming to China to live for a period of time is not just like traveling in a few days and a few months. It's over. If you can stay in Mainland China for a few more years and integrate into your life, you may find that Mainland China is not as bad as described overseas. On the contrary, it should be more peaceful and safer. Some people just want to believe what they want to believe, and see what they want to see, and this is precisely the trick of some overseas forces.
@MagicStar-subs The fact that China contained the epidemic is irrelevant. What is relevant, is that China weaponized the virus and then let it escape, in process killing millions of people. China kidnaps foreign nationals. China silences it's own citizens. China hid evidence, both now and in 2003 with respect to SARS. China did not allow a timely and proper investigation of origins of COVID, did not provide access to patient 0, resulting in delays in both understanding the virus and working on vaccine. China lied and continues to lie about pretty much everything, from what happened, to how many people got infected, to pretty much everything else, in process accusing other countries of lies and fabrications, while in reality being the fabricator of lies itself. And you have the gall to tell other counties how to live?
@urokugaeshi People should have the ability to think independently and distinguish right from wrong, instead of being guided by false information. Compared with the epidemic in mainland China, the developed countries in the world that are most capable of controlling the epidemic have lost control, causing millions of deaths. What is the explanation for this? If mainland China is the source of the outbreak, it would not make sense logically, let alone weaving false reports and accusations against China without true factual basis and substantive evidence.
@urokugaeshi It doesn’t matter what the facts are? Whether the so-called virus weaponized speech has factual basis and substantive evidence. Isn’t it unnecessary to follow the factual basis and substantive evidence by just listening to the fabricated things in the false information? It’s simply illogical. Since the facts are irrelevant, then the false reports and fabricated information about China overseas are also irrelevant, because there is no need to follow the factual basis, and it is too stupid for anyone to believe it if it is just fabricated.
@urokugaeshi What is reported overseas can be regarded as fact, but what is reported in mainland China is false? No elementary school students can eat this set. In other words, as long as the family has normal education and guides the children to grow up, a normal person will not have this kind of naive prejudice.
@urokugaeshi In addition, I have no guts to teach you how to live, but I have the guts to teach you how to live in mainland China. This is the end of the topic of the epidemic that you used to divert attention. Such comments should not appear here. I hope that more people will wake up and understand what is a fact and a lie in the future. I hope you are one of them. I wish you have A happy life.
@MagicStar-subs For starters, you are the one that took communist China propaganda and started spewing it in an inappropriate forum. When I pointed out to you, that China is a country, where government brainwashes people, lies to Chinese citizens, and kidnaps foreigners, you started complaining about diverting attention. There is no diverting attention - you have no right to tell anyone anything, and should apologize. Fix your own problems inside your own country, then talk. Of, if you don't, then accept criticism of China from outsiders too. You didn't do either. You refused to admit the facts, even when they are plainly displayed in front of you, and referenced provided. It's a convenient position, where you call everything that you don't want to admit lies, fake news and fabrications. To me, you've shown your lack of morals, the moment you started telling me that Li Wenliang was sloppy doctor. He went public with COVID, and your government shut him up, not because he was wrong, but because he was inconvenient and made you lose face. He is a hero, and you should be grateful to him - if not for him, Wuhan would have been much much worse, and many more people would have died before your government would have done anything. To me your comments were educational, because they show what kind of brainwashing is happening to general public in mainline China. At this point, we have nothing more to talk about, as you've shown that you're unwilling to reconcile. Oh, and I don't need your help in teaching me how to live in mainland China - I did my time in Pu Dong, the contract is over, and I don't plan to ever go back to China or to Hong Kong. The only thing I am missing a little bit from Shanghai, are the 13-spice crayfish at Long Xia Feng Bao on Dingxi road, but that's a small price to pay for not running the risk of getting kidnapped and detained. Besides, unlike here, all the lu rou fan I've tried in Shanghai was crap.