Incomplete collection, but a blast to the past.
__Original File Names__
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 1-4
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 5-7, 9
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 10-13
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 15-17, 20-21
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 22-25
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 26-29
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 30-33
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 38-41
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 43-47
> Toonami (Moltar era) - DBZ episodes 48-51
> Toonami - DBZ Movie Marathon (6 hours on 3 Discs)
A big thank you to the guy who transferred all of this to digital format. Furthermore, he also transferred FUNimation dubbed episodes to DVD, however, I'm not going to share that here since I'm not really a fan of it.

Why in 2021 are people still foolish enough to transfer vhs to dvds of all things instead of using proper video capture hardware? Not only does that force mpeg 2 compression instead of h.264 it forces a low crappy 9mbps max mpeg2 bitrate instead of 13+ mbps in h.264 proper capture hardware can do. F in the chat for what little quality vhs had bois
These sources have been around for awhile, I spent time losslessly pulling the individual episodes out of these ISOs (that you renamed for some reason) and organizing and attributing credit to the original uploaders (mostly RetroCCN). You can find all these episodes and more (including FUNi dub ones) here:
> PeePeePooPoo69
Folks use what they have access to. This is for nostalgia more than anything.
I wish Cartoon Network still used the old logo and had actual good shows than kiddie shit they air nowadays. Sigh.
@ Gale
These discs and the FUNi recorded discs are loaded with CN classic content. Whenever I get around to ISO them, I'll then upload. Just too good not to.
@ Interruptor
You're comparing this

to this

Really? You see no difference? Come on.
Comments - 11
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)
Impakt (uploader)