### 15/09/21 Reupload with lots of new things, starting with Gintama 2018 Openings & Endings Creditless, new things:
* Every Gintama 2006 (Ep 1-201) Opening and Ending has been encoded from 0, without the black bars, so now they are 4:3, instead of 16:9 with the black bars, also added two versions missing of Kiseki (ED6).
* Added some songs from the SPYAIR x DOES Acoustic collab (audio from YT, and cut down with speed-ups or speed-downs to TV Size): (ED5, Shura), (OP5, Donten), (OP13, Sakura Mitsutsuki).
* Every DOES song now has a LIVE version (including the Yorinuki OP&ED from Benizakura), from the (LIVE in AKASAKA BLITZ) concert album.
* Ending 17 (Samurai heart) Now has a CD Audio too, the instrumental is now a lossless FLAC, also Acoustic version from the Kingdom CD, and LIVE from the Wadachi album (LIVE JUST LIKE THIS 2015).
* Opening 13 (Sakura Mitsutsuki) now has LIVE version from the Wadachi album (Live - JUST LIKE THIS 2016), apart from the Acoustic session mentioned earlier.
* Opening 17 (Know Know Know) has been done again from scratch with the proper video levels.
* ## The New OP's and ED's have the following:
* Ending 29 (Hana Ichi Monme) has two versions, both have CD version, Instrumental, Acappella and BD Version.
* Ending 30 (Hikari Shoumeiron) has twelve versions, the FIRST version has WEB Hi-Res Audio + Instrumental + Acapella and BD Version, the other 11 versions have the same but the Hi-Res downsampled to 48Khz
* Opening 20 (Katte ni MY SOUL) has three versions, the three of them with WEB Hi-Res audio + BD Version.
* Opening 21 (I Wanna Be), has two versions, both with CD version, Instrumental, Acapella, LIVE version from the Wadachi album (Live - JUST LIKE THIS 2018) and BD Version.
* ## Regarding the Yorinuki Gintama-san Openings & Endings, I've done the following:
* Yorinuki Opening 1 (Bakuchi Dancer) now has a Hi-Res ЯeaL cover from the album (Light Up Ambivalenz), apart from the mentioned before LIVE convert.
* Yorinuki Opening 5 (Genjou Destruction) has been redone from scratch like the one from Benizakura, using the Blu-ray movie + commercials to do it in 1080p. I've also added: CD version, Instrumental, Acapella, LIVE version from the Wadachi album (Live - JUST LIKE THIS 2017), and ЯeaL cover from the album (Unchain My Heart).
* Sadly, Yorinuki Ending 5 and Opening 6 haven't been released creditless in any DVD or anything like the old ones, also I don't have any Japanese TV (.TS) recording so, no good quality even if you want texted version :(
You'll also notice some videos haven't been touched since 2017, those are fine / haven't found anything to update them, and some files have been modified (tags, name etc., but same video & audio), also Gintaman now has Dondake! Konishiman audio ^^
#### Old version (more information about other things and more screenshots there: https://nyaa.si/view/1094464)

Comments - 3
Lyswh (uploader)