Hikikomori Sensei, named Socially Withdrawn Teacher in English has been available on numerous websites with English subtitles. However, when the Corona Pandemic hit Japan, the series was brought to an end. Unfortunately, no site I could find had the subtitles in English for the last (5th). Episode. i was however able to find the subtitles and therefore was able to play the last episode and hard sub the subtitle file to the video. The last episode therefore is a little different in that it is a screen capture. However, all episodes are now finally available here with English subtitles for the first time. Enjoy!
"i was however able to find the subtitles and therefore was able to play the last episode and hard sub the subtitle file to the video"
I know this might sound rude, but why didn't you also include the subtitle file?
To answer linkinstreet The reason I didn't also include the subtitle file was because itt was horribly out of synch. and I did not know if everyone had the means to make the file and the video synch. Hope this answers your questions. I just wanted an easy solution for everyone.
to the anonymous uploader,
did you use the raw file in this link? https://nyaa.si/view/1407805
You can resync the english subs using the text files on it (or maybe I can do resubbing on it)
No, that's not where the file came from and I cannot find it now. Anyway, that one is Japanese, isn't it and not English? Certainly, if you can redub, that would be great!
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