| Track | Type | Name | Format | Language |
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
| 0 | Video | [JySzE] | AVC | -- |
| 1 | Audio | [Ergiman] 2.0 JPN - FLAC | FLAC | Japanese |
| 2 | Audio | [Ergiman] 2.0 ENG - FLAC | FLAC | English |
| 3 | Subtitles | [Scoped/Brap] English | ASS | English |
| 4 | Subtitles | [Scoped/Brap] Signs & Songs | ASS | English |
| 5 | Chapters | [D4C] English | Text/XML | English |
#### Thanks to the following users:
Scoped: Subtitle Sync and Styling, Sign & Song Subs, Subs QC, Video QC
Ergiman: JP/Eng Audio Sync, OP and ED Sub Sync & Mux QC
Brap: Subs Overhaul for V3
Nemu: TL assistance
D4C: Chapter Renaming
#### **Video Info:**
| Source | Resolution | PAR | DAR | FPS | Format| Encoder| Media Info|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-:|
| R2J | 704x480 | 10:11 |4:3|VFR|H.264|[JySzE]| [Media Info](https://pastebin.com/tDm2xn9c) |
#### **Video Questions:**
1. Whats the difference between V2 and V3? V3 is scene filtered to remove any further issuses. Thank you to everyone in the issue discord server for reporting all that you had, it made this much faster to fix this time around I appreciate it greatly.
2. Recommended players are [MPV](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10dzmt9ssVi2JwyY6dzvkrHFim6O-k-mn/edit) and MPC if using decent scaling options for either. VLC NOT RECOMMENDED.
#### **Audio Info:**
|Track|Source|Lang|Channels|Format|Sync by|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
|1|R2J DVD|JPN|2.0|FLAC|Ergiman|
|2|R1US DVD|ENG|2.0|FLAC|Ergiman|
#### **Subs Info:**
|Track|Name|Style|Lang|Format|Synced By|
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
|1|English|Stylized OP/ED, Titles, Signs, and Dialogue |ENG|ASS|Scoped|
|2|Signs & Songs|Stylized OP/ED, Titles, Signs|ENG|ASS|Scoped|
Thanks to nemu for helping us with some translation issues and signs!
#### **Extras:**
1. NCOPs and NCEDs Inside the Extras folder. If v1 or v2 of a OP or ED is missing its because the NC version of it doesn't exist.
2. We have included custom canon cuts of episodes 107,108 and 136 - 220 found in the extras folder.
###### Custom Canon Cut Episode info:
| Track | Type | Name | Format | Language |
|:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |
| 0 | Video | [JySzE] | AVC | -- |
| 1 | Audio | [Scoped/Ergiman] 2.0 JPN - FLAC | FLAC | Japanese |
| 2 | Audio | [Scoped/Ergiman] 2.0 ENG - FLAC | FLAC | English |
| 3 | Subtitles | [Scoped/brap] English | ASS | English |
| 4 | Subtitles | [Scoped] Signs & Songs | ASS | English |
| 5 | Chapters | [D4C/JySzE] English | Text/XML | English |
Downloading right now. Once is completed, I'll seed until the end of the year at max upload speed.
Thank you again, [@[JySzE]](https://nyaa.si/user/JySzE) and to all the users who help you in this third journey.
@cho, jy is not a smooth brain who thinks multi generational lossy encoded audio is an ok thing to do. But if you want to do it for yourself no one will be upset.
Thx for the hard work! I've been trying to compare different Naruto encodes and as nice as these are the BD rips from [df68] are superior. If I'm wrong and someone is aware of better quality please lmk.
@Mastershakelock The "BD rips" are DVDs upscaled to 800p. This was found out and for that reason, the encode was actually banned off a few private trackers. Also, the video is blurrier and not as thorough as Jy's filtering.
Just finished with ep 135 and these are by far my favorite naruto encodes and in my opinion "The Best"...none of that warpsharp hell and bitrate starved blocky trash that is topping the download charts. I'm also eagerly waiting for your shippuuden release so please keep up your hard work. Thanks alot. Archiving for life!
Video : for a 480p source it doesn't get any better. no blocking even on a 1440p monitor.
Audio: Japanese audio sounds great and is in sync.
subs: timings seem perfect and the font is nice.
File size: Get over it or hit up one of the countless 95mb x265 encodes. its 2022 and 8tb hdd are like $150.
So can someone explain Canon Cut to me? Those just cut filler content? And I'm still confused about 136 - 220 cut, is it everything canon after EP 135 just taped together?
107 and 108 have 1 scene from both episodes cut out that allow you to watch it without a pointless filler flashback that's all. Its meant to be there in case you skipped the episodes that are 100% filler and would make no sense if you saw those scenes in 107 and 108.
The 136 - 220 canon cut ep is every single canon scene from 136 - 220 slapped into one episode so you can safely skip all those episodes if you choose not to waste your time.
Thanks for the support.
>Bdrips by ghost have HD-like colors than these
Viz BD have incorrect colorspace and are darkened you can get the same affect by fucking up the colorspace and adjusting the levels on the dvds, Fuck the BD.
> Here’s comparison
That comparison was done by a monkey with half its brain removed infected with monkeypox. Please whoever made it never have children.
>Shippuuden when?
Stop spamming my torrents asking the same questions or questions that are already answered.
Hey guys, just in case anyone is interested. I grabbed Crunchyroll Latin American Spanish subtitles and synced them with this release. https://mega.nz/file/4kBzVSiQ#blzAmu-m1g1Vp-KzwOXQdQu6vIIHASO4_8dbKeDpFUw I'm working on getting the same work done for the +300GB torrent that is here on Nyaa for Naruto Shippuden. Hope you guys enjoy!
Would be nice to have a proper comparison(to yellow-flash), since according to the OP, RyzakiT's comparison is bad.
Either way, isn't this bitrate overkill for an oldie like this? I'm ignorant when it comes to encoding and all that stuff, so take that as a simple question.
Also, what is that updated subs "link" supposed to be?
here is a comparison to all the 4 major releases - https://imgsli.com/MTQ3ODAy
here is my review: get yellowflash for both file size and highest video quality, jysze for everything else like subs and audio
the main problem with yellowflash's release is that it's considered "not completed" because the filler was removed but u probably know this already (and the subs and audio tracks are not great either)
i think yellowflash has the best video quality and lines without upscaling, unlike judas or darkfire68 (and any other bd) and jysze has wonderful quality too but it is 480p, it's still the best 480p but not the best quality out there. filtering of course with jysze you are guaranteed to have the best filtering, but yellow flash's release seems pretty good too and he did a good job with removing the rainbowing, dotcrawl and other shit dvd artifacts. im still waiting for someone to make a remux of yellow-flash with actually decent subs and dual audio, but regardless yellowflash in my opinion has the best video quality (as in not upscaled dogshit)
tl;dr - yellow-flash for video quality, jysze for completion and other shit like audio and subs, and avoid the upscales as they are absolute ass (with unremovable rainbowing, you can even see it in the screenshot, all bds are like that)
also to answer your other questions, bitrate isnt overkill, it's to prevent banding and other artifacts, updated subs link is baically for people who cant afford a hard drive so they want only the subtitles cz they already downloaded the hevc 10bit 3gb release 🥺🥺
thanks for the quick reply
I was mostly interested in video quality, since I'm not audiophile. I've been following Y-F for years so I was wondering if anyone released a superior version by now.
I plan to do a full naruto series fansub so I'm on a hunt for a "vessel". Seems it will be Y-F as I originally planned.
That is, I'll do it if I don't find these updated subs satisfactory.
NVM about the updated subs link. I thought it was magnet and was wondering why it isn't working... for anyone else wondering, it's b64.
Still, it's not a link to full subs, it's only for 28 episodes.
Are they still being worked on? Or is that it? Would be nice to get subs for all episodes if the work on them is done.
Ignore my above comment, naruto was made in 480p so this 576p release has no winning quality and is just a very small upscale. It's still good, but definitely jysze to choose.
Thanks for sharing such a high-quality encode @JySzE. Appreciate the custom cannon cut episodes.
Are you planning to do custom cannon cut for Shippuden? Considering how many unnecessary fillers are woven into the cannon episodes, I think that series could benefit from the same treatment.
Very good release. The only complaint is the subs which often feel bloated (ex. unnecessarily intricate wording of otherwise simple ideas) and don't convey some ideas well in certain contexts. Also, sometimes they use expressions or words that may be unfamiliar to most non-native speakers. I don't know if the subs were made from scratch or these issues were inherited from the official subs, if it's the latter that's understandable otherwise it would be good if we had an option to use the official BD or CR subs.
yes these are official subs with various corrections, also I have someone redoing the subs from the ground up so your issues may be fixed in the future. Go ahead and contact `hikarinamida` on discord and report anything you want fixed.
Comments - 63
JySzE (uploader)
JySzE (uploader)
JySzE (uploader)
JySzE (uploader)
JySzE (uploader)
JySzE (uploader)