### **Xenogears 20th Anniversary Concert -The Beginning and the End-**

**Contain :**
- 2h09min of concert
**Video** : HEVC/H.265 10bits, CRF 24
**Audio 1** : AAC 2.0 approx. 204kb/s
**Audio 2** : AAC 5.1 approx. 417kb/s
**Audio 3** : FLAC 2.0 (16 bits 48KHz) approx. 855kb/s
**Audio 4** : FLAC 5.1 (16 bits 48KHz) approx. 1880kb/s
The audio files were split for people to download which one they want. The .mkv comes with the **Audio 1**. You can remux the video with your preferred audio stream using MKVToolNix.
Unfortunately there are no subtitles for this concert as of now, if volunteers want to do it, I will happily make another release with it.
- Scans in WebP
#### *► Please, seed to help sharing the torrent !*
> Other releases :
[High quality AV1 release](https://nyaa.si/view/1484051 "HQ AV1 with 5.1 Opus audio")
[Low sized AV1 release](https://nyaa.si/view/1484052 "AV1 Lite with Opus audio")
### *" I Am Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the Last... "*
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