**Blessed is the man who endureth temptation**
Video: 1920 x 1080 x265 10-bit [Kawaiika-Raws] BDRip by DeadNews
Track 1 (Default): Japanese 5.1 (DTS-HD MA s32p) [UNBIASED] (from Bluray BOX that had Jpn PCM 2 channels s32 and Jpn DTS-HD MA 6 channels s32p)
Track 2: English 5.1 (FLAC s32) [deanzel] (US-BD compliments of Etzimal (getting me the DTS-MA tracks from ADC) and Hark0n (helping me to properly convert the audio))
Track 1 (Default): English [Doki (AKH-Anisubs)/deanzel/UNBIASED]
Track 2: zxx Signs & Songs
Chapters: [Kawaiika-Raws]
[Doki (AKH-Anisubs as base)/deanzel (added missing signs and text from Coalgirls)/UNBIASED (restyled dialogue and edited margins, resampled scripts, snapped to keyframes, and scripts cleanups)]
Episode 2:
Dub AND sub
Resolution: 1280 x 720
YCbCr Matrix: TV.709
Wrap Style: 0
Yes Scale Border and Shadow
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
YCbCr Matrix: TV.709
Wrap Style: 0
Yes Scale Border and Shadow
Removed unused Default and Default Alt styles from dub sub track
Snapped to keyframes
Why not just release in a batch? I doubt anyone is itching to watch this 15 year old show badly enough to need episodic releases, you're essentially just trashing the seeding retention for no reason

damn that's a fucking stupid response
criticism/advice and just responding with "lol IDGAF" is mouth breather shit
but it wasn't like any changes you've made were good anyways
It's okay if you think the changes weren't good. I was also joking with "lol" otherwise I would have left it out.
If you can do better, feel free.
Also, how nice of you to be taking sides since you know Arcus. But yeah, what do I know?
oh I definitely could but a show like this doesn't deserve it
and from your history seems like you don't know much apparently
but hey if you enjoy whatever you're doing, more power to you, I'm in no position to stop you
At this point, I'm watching anime for entertainment. Perfection costs too high a price for me. I do what I can even if the changes improve only a fraction of what is available.
What shows deserve what depends on the individual, I haven't watched this show yet so might as well. What you think is your opinion.
And what do you know about what I know?
All I seek now is neither popularity nor perfection, I only wish more complete releases were out so people have access. I don't have to release anything. I only feel like giving back to the community I took releases from, watched, and enjoyed.
>since you know arcus
We know you too dumbfuck; you were in our server for all of 3 months and couldn't stop annoying people with simple googleable questions on a daily basis kek. More importantly though you never listened to the advice you were actually given, and I see that nothing has changed since then
Umm... what advice? Other than you think so highly of yourselves that what I tried to prove was ignored. What googleable questions exactly? I asked which encodes are best for many anime. That's all I ever asked in your server. Is that "googleable"? I'm not surprised I left your server full of all pride no modesty people. All you say is right, huh?
(preface: I don't care about what you do because you will not change anything anyways)
because you do that shit when you are fansubbing or doing something that is worth putting out episode by episode
you are not putting that amount of effort into any of these episodes that are coming out an hour apart
and to address "And what do you know about what I know?", I know my experiences with you and have witnessed other peoples experiences with you and that is more than enough to inform how I perceive you and what you do
and to answer the googleable question point you just made

Okay, that is DM, not in the server. Also, that was long ago when I first started and didn't know shit.
CRC was over a year ago and I haven't even started posting yet.
Also, about spell check and converting PGS or VobSub, I was interested in the way **YOU** do things your way than googling because I thought you would be of *help*.
And if asking simple questions annoy YOU so much, why didn't you just say "I don't want to answer that" or "google it" instead of being angry inside for answering it?
They are people who are generous to help and people who don't want to share their knowledge with others. I appreciated your help on very few little things as you mentioned. But of course, who would have known asking questions make people who know the trades mad?

I should have realized. But you never told me anything until today. And it's not like I ask you every day. Maybe once a month or a few months.
There are people whom I asked questions a lot and they were generous to still answer. SO mention something if you're annoyed with people asking questions. Thanks!
>what do you want from me
If that isn't a clear indication that he's annoyed with you, nothing is lmao
Here are some 'whats' from the time you were in the server 😂

As I said, at that time, I didn't know shit. And I haven't started posting yet. I was learning. And you weren't one of the people answering anyways, only rarely and not positive. So what business do you have with me?
> If that isn’t a clear indication that he’s annoyed with you, nothing is lmao
Look at the date. 12/17/2021 was a couple of weeks ago. And what YOU and Arid posted was over a year ago. So, you know what I mean.
it's not hoarding information as I answered previous questions sincerely (which you could definitely see in the DM)
and it's not a thing about being mad either, it's just I get annoyed when people ask questions that really could just be solved with a little initiative
the people you've asked multiple questions have given you too much of their time and patience
and I have spent too much time even participating in this argument when nothing will come out of this because you can't reflect on your actions and understand why someone might think of you this way
so have a great day and please do some self-reflection off nyaa for another 4 months like last time, I will not be responding again
Imagine asking 2 questions in DM and you didn't even spend "too much of your time and patience"
I'm also done saying things. You should reflect on yourself for being so impatient and prideful. So have a great day and I hope you reflect on yourself.
SeaDex faggots like Arid will do anything to prove their superiority over a fucking anime release lmao. Imagine being cunt enough to leak personal DMs just to get back at someone. Come back here when you can start telling the difference in good and bad video by yourself without asking others in SeaDex all the time. Why the fuck are you even trying to make your releases when you yourself cannot even tell the difference between good and bad video.
Whether OP made good or bad changes in a release is a different topic, but why shit on someone for asking questions about things they don't know? Were you fuckin born with all the knowledge in the world? Everyone starts from nothing, including you.
>defends exp for asking questions and making questionable releases
>flames arid for asking questions and making good releases
it keeps getting better

Arcus you know what is actually really funny? You, who did not even see nyaa rules and posted a DVD upscale of Texnolyze only to get it removed by the mods, yikes.
The issue with Arid is that he fundamentally just can't tell the difference between good and bad video. He has to listen to other people, that is something that won't change now if it hasn't all this time. People like Exp who are starting out will eventually start learning things with time(like all people do), and hopefully also make good releases down in the line. Even Arid's Hibike release has completely broken dialogue, missing lots of lines in the second season, which implies he did not even bother to watch let alone QC.
I did it with aria too, just wanted the tracker announcement + entry on animetosho. Isn't that the second time you've brought it up too despite it not being relevant in either conversation? You need some new material iSIMP
>fundamentally just can’t tell the difference between good and bad video
kek, is he colorblind like herkz? News to me. Usually he asks when opinions are split on which encode is best
>People like Exp who are starting out
Exp has been making releases for a few months longer than arid actually iirc, just under different names
>hibike broken
v2 incoming on that one, and having only a few broken releases out of 50 or so is impressive on its own; doing better than that is a feat that's generally only done by the likes of scy, and even he v2s things
None of this explains why arid asking questions is bad and exp asking them is good though, and I'd love to hear your reasoning there
> You, who did not even see nyaa rules and posted a DVD upscale of Texnolyze only to get it removed by the mods
How the fuck does that even matter? The rules are retarded. 576p is technically also an upscale and AB is currently in the process of forcing the removal of those, which results in a lot of good encodes just being deleted for some stupid reason
Arcus, your entire existence is irrelevant, but you are still here aren't you? Point is, Arid is flaming someone for asking questions and I am flaming him for the same. And he is always asking for video analysis on every release he does if there are multiple encodes available.
The only simps I see here are y'all SeaDex gay fags. The only person in SeaDex I have seen give actual genuine analysis is Zewia only. V2 of Hibike has been incoming for months now, only shows how Arid doesn't even care about or even watches what he releases. Why is he even releasing then? Only to get mentioned in SeaDex? That is some true simping.
Edit: Side-note, SCY v1 are never broken, his v2 are additives like his own better encodes, lossless dub, etc. Also why are you comparing someone like SCY who does actual fan-subbing and encoding to someone like Arid who slaps X subs on Y video based on other people's opinions and calls it a day.
>second opinions are bad
>harping on the one broken release
already covered it, it's the exception not the rule
>waah scy isn't fair to compare with
only reason I compared with scy is because arid is easily the most reliable active muxer so there's no point to comparisons in that field
You need to watch releases from some old actually competent BD groups like Kametsu or CoalGirls if you think slapping X subs on Y video is actually reliable and good.
I like how you constantly complain about shit while not having contributed to anyone ever before.
Don't get me wrong, this whole comment section was entirely pointless so far but I don't see why you think you're entitled to criticism of anyone ^^
I still don't get what's wrong about asking for others opinions on a comp. Zewia was also not the only person to give actual analytical answers to those.
And stop randomly shitting on "seadex people", wtf.
There are literally only 3 people from there actually involved here
you shouldn't complain about slapping X subs on Y vid unless you want to be the change you want to see in the world or Arid's behavior either considering you literally asked me the same thing you admonish him for

>I like how you constantly complain about shit while not having contributed to anyone ever before.
You have never made any anime. What gives you the right to judge if an anime is good or bad. You are not entitled. Also top judging the songs you listen to by that logic, because you definitely do not make music so you do not have the right to judge if a song is good or bad. You don't pay for it, you pirate it. You haven't contributed to the making of it.
Also for the record, I am not really defending Exp. I am sure they do not want neither need my defense. I am simply commenting on the hypocrisy that members of your group are allowed to ask questions but others are not.
@hchcsen Lmfao I only asked if you made comps so I wouldn't have to go to the effort of making them myself, and because you used inferior video when a better one was available. I wasn't asking your opinion on video, just being polite that the video you used was shit. I have only asked opinions for video once and that was to Light because I wanted to know if encoders would prefer better grain despite dirty edges or not.
Edit: Literally the next message I sent you was that the video you have used is unfiltered and not that good but of course you are not gonna show that.
I merely want to point out that CoalGirls was not a competent BD group. Anyone who was active at the time knows that. They went as far as stretching the subs to cover a new dubbed line in the JPBDs of dennou coil (source: controlc.com/c5851582).
> but why shit on someone for asking questions about things they don’t know? Were you fuckin born with all the knowledge in the world? Everyone starts from nothing, including you.
@vikrant9760 Agree there. Plus you never know the age of other users. I wouldn’t want to be crushing some young kid trying to learn. Kindness and patience go a long way.
It’s not like @Explorer is doing anything offensive to warrant vitriol. Some people are friendly and prefer to ask a living being rather than a search engine. Not everyone is antisocial.
We all ask dumb questions sometimes too. Nobody is above that.
@DeathStroke helping @ScreX insert images is how I’d prefer to see the community.
Pride can be so gross. If you’re offering advice, it’s egocentric to expect it to be followed. Just offer it without expecting anything in return. Help if that’s truly in your heart and don’t if it’s not. Fake nice people could save others the wrath of their pride.
Vikrant hibike v2 hasn't come yet because Im getting someone to encode the entire series
Season 2 subs have been fixed for a while
And for the record, everything I release will eventually be watched by myself whether that be before release or a couple months after, and I don't think I should be compared to fansubbers or people like SCY but that's not something I can do anything about
Also if only it were that easy to just slap subs on X video but it's not the case anymore really
And if you're so hurt about me not being able to tell video differences on my own just give me a month
The reason I've had such a cold stance towards Explorer is for all the stuff he's asked he still continues to do things like release episodic torrents when it isn't really warranted in my opinion and previous changes to things like the script slwere negative when changed which is why haven't been the most sincere in my interactions, I don't even think you do anything necessarily bad unless your touching the script imo so I'll say I've been a bit harsh in how I've come across towards you in general and apologize for that and my lack of patience on the internet
I won't address anything else
This is the last time I'll reply to you.
1) If you don't like people asking simple questions (when you know the answer), tell them to google search or tell them to stop asking.
> for all the stuff he’s asked he still continues to do things like release *episodic torrents* when it isn’t really warranted **in my opinion**
2) All I asked were about encode comparisons, which app you people use for fansub, and shifting + muxing in general. All of that is irrelevant to releasing *episodic torrents*.
> previous changes to things like the script slwere negative when changed
3) I started off shifting with 1000ms which is the suggestions of seadex people (which means I listened), then after asking fansubbers around I started shifting in frames.
> I don’t even think you do anything necessarily bad unless your touching the script IMO
First off, when my tag was [Exp] or [EXP], all I did was either retime by ms for older releases or retime by frames for newer releases. The change to the script was only resampling from 720p to 1080p with the exception of Nandekoko where I "actually" touched and edited the script. Therefore, your saying of previous changes to the script is pretty invalid.
And when I changed the tag to [UNBIASED] I finally started editing the script for real (and the changes were mostly timing-related and restyling dialogue and margins. So I don't have an idea why you would consider it bad).
(The comment exceeded 2048 characters so here's the rest)
I have been asking fansubbers such as Astral and Gokul for a long time. They tell me what's the thing to do in certain scenarios including resampling, shifting, fansub knowledge, etc.
I asked Mysteria a lot of questions, and she generously answered me which is how I know a lot of stuff. Also, props to RainingTerror for teaching me how to use eac3to CLI.
In summary, I only asked Arid what app he uses to convert PGS and vobsub, how "he" spell check, what are the sources for his releases + what releases he'll be doing. These are the only things in the DM. And all he answered (which apparently didn't take too much of the exaggerated time he spent with me), were the app he used (which is less than 10 characters), a screenshot of how "he" did spell check, and obviously the list of his upcoming when asked.
All in all, I really appreciate the people who helped me out and the people who contributed to fansubbing and "improved" releases.
I will not be expending my energy anymore on people who get annoyed when someone asked questions (on top of that, they know the answer to, get annoyed with people posting episodic torrents, and does not think twice that we are essentially doing the same remuxing just with different processes and opinions on how to do them).
I only realized that people who keep proving their point on how others are bad by posting DM of them asking genuine naive questions are people who are trying to pass on their inner weaknesses on others and reaffirm their beliefs by confirming that the people who do not know what they *think* is "right" are bad.
> Fake nice people could save others the wrath of their pride.
I would rather encounter people who show their true colors so that I do not have to associate myself with them if I do not connect with who they are for who they are. Also, being fake takes on a toll on the fake ones. And the people who found out later that they're fake can get more hurt than knowing them from the start.
Behind this line marks the 69th comment, beyond it lies the aftermath.
âš Wear hazmat thx

Comments - 70
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)