**Blessed is the man who endureth temptation**
Video: 1920 x 1080 x265 10-bit [Kawaiika-Raws] BDRip by DeadNews
Track 1 (Default): Japanese 5.1 (DTS-HD MA s32p) [UNBIASED] (from Bluray BOX that had Jpn PCM 2 channels s32 and Jpn DTS-HD MA 6 channels s32p)
Track 2: English 5.1 (FLAC s32) [deanzel] (US-BD compliments of Etzimal (getting me the DTS-MA tracks from ADC) and Hark0n (helping me to properly convert the audio))
Track 1 (Default): English [Doki (AKH-Anisubs)/deanzel/UNBIASED]
Track 2: zxx Signs & Songs
Chapters: [Kawaiika-Raws]
[Doki (AKH-Anisubs as base)/deanzel (added missing signs and text from Coalgirls)/UNBIASED (restyled dialogue and edited margins, resampled scripts, snapped to keyframes, and scripts cleanups)]
Episode 3:
Dub AND sub
Resolution: 1280 x 720
YCbCr Matrix: TV.601
Wrap Style: 0
Yes Scale Border and Shadow
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
YCbCr Matrix: TV.709
Wrap Style: 0
Yes Scale Border and Shadow
Removed unused Default and Default Alt styles from dub sub track
Removed TL note
Removed Default Alt (isn't being used) style in sub track
Fixed timing for both dialogue and signs being off by 1 frame where needed.
Snapped to keyframes
It's really weird. I wonder if Kawaiika will actually v2 episode 3.
Comments - 6
Explorer (uploader)
Explorer (uploader)