## Episodes:
All 131 Dragon Ball Super Episodes (Dual Audio)
The TV Special that is a combination of episode 109 and 110 (Japanese Audio only)
## Video:
SOFCJ 1080p x264 JPBD Encode
## Audio Tracks:
5.1 FLAC English, with JPN appended for 109 to 131 by me
Stereo FLAC Japanese
Stereo ENG w/ JPN Insert for 110, 116, 131 only (KaiDubs and Rhop)
## Subtitles:
Songs & Signs by KaiDubs
Closed Captions by KaiDubs
Simmons (Blu-ray Subs), OCR done by Isaac, thanks to Corre and Johnster for identification
## Description:
After checking the most major Dragon Ball Super releases, I noticed the SOFCJ batch had the best overall video quality, see for yourself https://slow.pics/c/QBUL1xpY
Unfortunately, this is a raw release, meaning no subtitles or English Audio tracks.
This release syncs the 5.1 FLAC English Audio, Official Funimation Simmons Blu-Ray subtitles, and fan dubtitles/closed captions text from the KaiDubs release. In addition, the English tracks for episodes 109 to 131 have been appended with the Japanese episode preview audio in the left and right channels. This was done manually by me since the English USBD version of these episodes omits these parts. But don't worry, if you want to skip these, the chapter markers have been muxed in too.
This is the best way to watch the full Japanese footage of Dragon Ball Super short of a remux that is about 900GBs.
## Potential Questions:
Q: Why did you use a release based on the JPBD instead of USBD?
A: JPBD has "more" footage for episodes 109 to 131. Also, the JPBD looks better due to higher video bitrate.
Q: Can you make it smaller? What about x265 video?
A: No, x265 video is intended for 4K/UHD content. Encoding this video with x265 leads to blocking artifacts, as you can tell in the earlier pictures.
Q: Seed please!
A: If you can read this, I'm seeding, regardless of what the number says.
Q: Any errors with this release?
A: Episode 116 subtitles for Japanese audio are wrong. All subtitles can be downloaded here: https://mega.nz/folder/DcgFSaBK#QQvThCcuTzW2LVHiM-Bahg (Under 1MB for all episodes)
Comments - 24
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)
JanSilver01 (uploader)