| Track | Type | Name | Format | Language |
| :-----: | :---------------: |:---------------------------------------------------:| :-----------------:| :-----------:|
| 1 | Video | [DonCanjas] | AVC | –
| 2 | Audio | 2.0 DTS-HD MA | DTS-HD MA | Japanese
| 3 | Audio | 5.1 DTS-HD MA (Funimation Dub) | DTS-HD MA | English
| 4 | Subtitles | [G_P] English Subtitles | ASS | English
| 5 | Subtitles | Official English Subtitles | PGS | English
| 6 | Subtitles | [G_P] English Sings/Songs | ASS | English
#### Video Info:
| Source | Resolution | FPS | Format | Encoder | Media Info|
| :-------: | :---------------: |:----------:| :----------:| :----------------:| :-----------:|
| JPBD | 1440x1080 | 23.976 | AVC | [DonCanjas] | [Media Info](https://pastebin.com/8Qs8bL4E) |
1. Source: JPBD
2. Dehaloing and light dither.
3. [Comparison](https://slow.pics/c/OIdsN5YZ)
#### Audio Info:
1. Japanese audio is sourced from the JPBD.
2. English Audio sourced from USBD. Only included Funimation Dub.
##### Thanks to JySzE who gave me some help and DB Release Guy who gave me advice.
Could someone please comment on whether the video is better than in the Harkon release? (https://nyaa.si/view/885188).. SeaSmoke's index has it (Harkon's) flagged as 'not the best video' but looks great to me so I clearly can't tell lol.. also, in case anyone is interested, the Harkon release has 2x English audio tracks, from USBD 2001 and USBD 2016 - did some research and there was a kickstarter campaign to re-dub the series, especially for the deleted scenes (included in the directors cut).. links if you're interested to read more:
1. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2016-02-27/exclusive-funimation-launches-kickstarter-to-dub-escaflowne-tv-anime-director-cut/.99141
2. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/funimationprod/the-vision-of-escaflowne-a-new-hd-dub-for-the-clas
It looks like this release only has the 2016 dub, if that matters to you
@whiskeyjack20 In regards to video, the reason I encoded was because hark0n's is, visually, too compressed for my taste. If you don't really notice a difference, then I see no reason for you to donwload this one.
About the audio, I don't really remember the reason for not including it, I think I just didn't bother and I got a bit confused because the old english dub is synced to a different video. Tho hark0n's release does have it synced, I didn't want to grab others' work without first checking if it's even worth it.
Comments - 9
DonCanjas (uploader)