Okay, I know... This is not the time to upload such a song but, look, I'm late.
This was supposed to go up on Heidemarie's Birthday (16 February) as well but things happened.

| Role | Staff |
| Translation | [Eila](https://eilasubs.wordpress.com/) |
| KFX, Video | [Shinon](https://nyaa.si/user/Shinon71) |
| Art | [槌居 (tsuchii)](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/15027391) |
This torrent is best viewed in [mpv](https://mpv.io/) or a player that uses mpv directly/indirectly ([mpv.net](https://github.com/stax76/mpv.net), etc).
More witches to come. (Someone's stalling Strike Witches, Luminous is coming soon [lol], update to that music collection has been on going for the past months.)
File list
[Miyafuji x Eila] Rhine no Mamori [1080p FLAC] [98274D1C].mkv (49.1 MiB)
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