Handsome Girl and Sheltered Girl (2020-2021) (Reiss) (Cyan Steam)

2022-04-20 21:10 UTC
File size:
294.0 MiB
Info hash:
Hi guys, it’s my first time doing this so i hope you all enjoy this! PLS SEED! I made this from **Cyan Steam**'s translations. https://trakteer.id/ryuureiss ![alt text](https://uploads.mangadex.org/covers/71a515ab-19b6-4839-9089-e4caac1f0628/ad39b03b-404e-40a7-b4f0-982bbd8748fb.jpg) ![alt text](https://uploads.mangadex.org/covers/71a515ab-19b6-4839-9089-e4caac1f0628/57108bb5-aa7e-4ebe-b9dd-2e7e0997324a.jpg)

File list

So this is scanlation, not official release. Why the Digital tag then???

RyuuReis (uploader)

@MidnightBlue like i said above, it's my first time, so i think digital tag is for everything "digital" not only official release.
@RyuuReis It's still considered a scanlation, even though nowadays a lot of raws that are fan translated are digital raws, not literally scanned in like they used to. The 'digital' tag usually denotes an official digital release. Otherwise, wouldn't everything here be considered digital?
Don't use Digital tag for something that is not an Official English Digital release.
@RyuuReis Now you know it, then delete the "(Digital)" in the naming and on your previous torrent too

RyuuReis (uploader)

thank you for making this!
does anyone have a copy of the generally accepted naming conventions? not sure where to find it, i know madokami has a copy but i dont have access
@RyuuReis thanks @ everybody else: so Digital stands for Official ? and English no less ? seeing as everything ever uploaded to the internet is digital, then clearly everybody needs to stop using the Digital tag that way or we can just all start referring to anime as cartoons and manga as comics. Everybody is using the digital tag wrong but are ganging up on someone who used it correctly ... because you are used to using wrong ... why don't you all switch to using (Official) instead ?