WhatTheFuck indeed...

Was planning to release Kongming as a reasonable sub (better than l\*\*pSubs) without any editing and only timing fixes and TS...
But I looked at my schedule and went *Huh, that is kinda hard...*
So as to not waste my work I did, here is the 11MB KFX that I created for the OP. Personally I think it's fine but it's way over the top (Which I feel fits the "feel" of the OP, but that's subjective)
OP can be included as long as it is credited back to this torrent and/or the user `Miyafuji`/`Shinon` would be OK.
And avoid modifying to some other font or like overly modify it since at that point it might look horrible.
| Role | Staff |
| Translation | Sentai (Jake)|
| TL QC | Sentai (Zoid) |
| KTiming | [Shinon](https://nyaa.si/user/Shinon71) |
| KFX & Shitposting | Shinon|
Encode is taken from AnimeThemes. apologies for the horrible quality.
And for those curious with "Why is it *Ya Boi* and not *Ya Boy*?" you can blame this guy:

File list
[Miyafuji-WhatTheFuck] Ya boi Kongming - OP.mkv (61.4 MiB)
Comments - 3
Shinon71 (uploader)