This release seeks to answer the bigger questions in life. What happens when we die? Are we alone in the universe? Is this yuri? I don't know, but there was a disappointing lack of yuri today.
And yes, it's a real translation.
Synced to
I won't mux this because I'm too much of a pussy (get it?) but someone else can if they want.
Edit: Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room!
File list
[IsThisYuri] Black Rock Shooter Dawn Fall 05 (11.5 KiB)
@awface Don't try to bash on perfectly fine translations when you're a gtl prick
Also, the 「おじさん」you talk about is actually 「おやじ」, I'm sure we've all have been immensely reassured about your release now
And this may come as a pretty big blow, but words can assume a variety of meanings changing with the context and situation they're used in
ojisan or oyaji, whatever, but bartender is bartender
I only looked the script, short memory
don't waste my time trying to defend mistranslations
"perfectly fine" omegalul, this script is offensive for someone who really cares about translation
You wouldn't know a mistranslation if it shit down your throat. You're one of those idiots who knows 10 words of Japanese and thinks they're a nihongo master.
@awface Why do you go around embarrassing yourself? Most people here don't know shit about Japanese so I guess you're able to get away quite a bit.
> don’t waste my time trying to defend mistranslations
> "perfectly fine" omegalul, this script is offensive for someone who really cares about translation
Assuming you're just fixated on that おやじ for which bartender is an absolutely correct translation, these just show how little you know about the language
> don’t waste my time trying to defend mistranslations
If you truly believe that's a "mistranslation", I'd recommend you to stop wasting time here and focus on your Japanese a little instead. You're just going to keep embarrassing yourself :)
pathetic comments from pathetic people
go to japan and call for oyaji at the bar kkkkkkkkkkkkk
of course the bartender can't be a girl, it's hilarious when brainless people speak
I'm almost out of popcorn, does anyone have an extra bag?
If anyone's wondering, I can confirm that this is a proper translation, though it would benefit from a little proofreading to catch typos and fix terminology spelling. Understandable, since I don't think this was supposed to be a polished release ~~(as I assume this is the same person who's behind MechaIsDead, and speaking of that, I regret that I didn't have enough energy to make proper subs for that show past episode 1; not sure if I should bother at all now, if anyone wants better subs for it then I need help with timing and editing)~~
Comments - 18