Hi! This my first foray into doing subbing by myself, done purely out of love for Chinese history and period dramas, and wishing to share this underrated movie to everyone.
The film is, imo, easily one of the best Three Kingdoms related films made, and is likely the first truly "modern" cinematic take on the titular Late Han Dynasty/Three Kingdoms era characters, explicitly drawing more from history rather than the popular folklore like Romance of the the Three Kingdoms.
While the film seems pretty humble by today, it still stands out as a great character piece, and also also holds up as one of the historically authentic depictions of the Han Dynasty China. Its props, set design and costuming can all be traced to real historical research and archeological excavations on the Han Dynasty China.
In fact, few historical productions even today can boast as much almost devotion to the historical source material as this film does
Unfortunately the RAWs that are available are not the best in terms of quality and colour-grading, as film preservation is still something not many figured out and this film is essentially "Abandonware" now, so you will have to bear with me.
I hope you enjoy the translation, and share this film forward!
-- Sarracenian

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