[Animorphs] Fruits Basket: Prelude [BD 1080p x265 Opus]

2022-07-06 04:04 UTC
File size:
5.1 GiB
Info hash:
### Download the most up-to-date versions of my subs [here](https://github.com/Animorphs/Fansubs). ![]() **Sources** | | **Info** | **Source** | **Changes** | | - | - | - | - | | **Video:** | JPBD | [Beatrice-Raws](https://nyaa.si/view/1510673) (x265 10bit) | - | | **Audio:** | Japanese | [Beatrice-Raws](https://nyaa.si/view/1510673) (2.0 TrueHD) | Converted to 2.0 Opus 192kbps (oh no, my flacebo) | | **Subtitles:** | English | Animorphs | - | | **Mediainfo:** | [Pastebin](https://pastebin.com/eBVHQQ1X) | - | - | **Staff:** TL: kashi TLC: oZEUSamaperorist ENC: [Beatrice-Raws](https://nyaa.si/view/1510673) ED, TM, TS, QC, song TL: Animorphs Thanks to Laffey and Geo for seeding **Notes:** Well, this took dramatically longer than planned. I initially wanted to power this out within a week of [[Pikari-Teshima]](https://nyaa.si/view/1527032)'s release, wanting to just improve on various small things (similar to my BNHA release), but then ended up enlisting the help of a TL and TLC, so figured may as well go for a proper release. The style we've gone for is based on [[LostYears]](https://nyaa.si/view/1182036)'s previous releases, so font styling, use of honorifics, name order, typesetting, songs, etc. are based on them where possible. Some of the choices I don't necessarily agree with, but were kept in regardless for consistency. Additionally, the first ~30 minutes of this movie consists of a *lot* of flashbacks, so using [trace.moe](https://trace.moe) and a whole bunch of Ctrl+F, I tracked down each scene and copied the script from the relevant [LostYears] segments. I did end up modifying a non-insignificant amount due to various reasons including TL accuracy and general editing differences, but the majority of that ~30 minutes still comes from [LostYears]. I also referenced [Pikari-Teshima] for the rest of the movie as well, so some lines are also lifted from them where they were superior. Overall, however, the majority of the script is translated by kashi, and then edited by myself. Let me know if you encounter any errors. If you want to chat, I'm in the [GJM Discord](https://discord.gg/0jeKKhzGn3EBNDI2). Watch with [MPV](https://mpv.io/installation/), do not use VLC. ![](https://i.imgur.com/MFgPMo4.png)

File list

  • [Animorphs] Fruits Basket - Prelude.mkv (5.1 GiB)
nooooooooooooooooooo! the flacebo
wow this is awesome
Thank you opussy
can’t wait to see the kulot release tomorrow
@Animorphs has almost always used lossy audio, even if a bit of a sycophant. He stuck to his guns. Props! He didn't cave into Opus due to peer pressure, like most of the sheep that let spreadsheets think for them. PS: The truth always prospers, FLAC will always remain superior. Hail!

Animorphs (uploader)

Thanks for the support Kulot <3 I do deeply regret using FLACebo for Kobayashi though
![alt_text](https://i.imgflip.com/2/2gycra.jpg) @Animorphs I respect those on the opposing side of the ****Audio Wars**** if they have integrity. <3 Unlike those spineless brainwashed converts. We all have regrets in life. Perhaps if we could anthropomorphize Opus, it would regret being born.
>We all have regrets in life. Perhaps if we could anthropomorphize Opus, it would regret being born. toxic Besides, opus is probably more popular by use case due to things like youtube/discord. Most people hear more opus audio on a daily basis than FLAC (if ever)
@Simplistic Popularity defines the pinnacle of quality? Justin Bieber’s music, Fifty Shades, Twilight, McDonalds are/were popular. More people in the world have tasted McDonalds’ burgers than those from any decent joint. Archiving anime and Youtube/discord are very different scenarios. Of course Youtube will focus on compression and file size. PS: toxic for who? A living and breathing fellow named Opus, that identifies as an audio codec? ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª
>Opus, it would regret being born. I was trying to say that it probably wouldn't regret being born, as it has a useful purpose and excels at said purpose >PS: toxic for who? A living and breathing fellow named Opus, that identifies as an audio codec? ꉂ (´∀`)ʱªʱªʱª yeah i guess
I don't get this whole thing anymore. Do you guy seriously think something with around 192 kbps of bitrate is the same as something with around 1500 kbps of bitrate?
I think the question they're debating is whether it matters / whether the human ear can actually tell the difference without training yourself to find said difference.
HachiRokuNiSanKyu You flacfags won't pass any blind test. You are just a bunch of retards that compare numbers without knowing what they mean.
@swn32 ![](https://i.imgur.com/HIMtvjq.png)