Bloat. The fucking whole second half of this episode is GRAIN. Fuck this show
Had to update filterchain and jesus does this look even better than before.
Will be v2ing first cour soonish <3 ((16 hours per episode))
**Hello [your name here, 5€], if you want to DMCA me or want this torrent down, send a request to `setsugen[at]` and I won't waste your precious time.**
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###### Mfw when sneedfiltering
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[Setsu-Raws] Summer Time Rendering - 13 (WEB 1080p).mkv (1.8 GiB)
> vlcsnap-2022-07-12-11h25m11s.png
VWC is awfuw, witewawwy ass, except ass can bwing pweasuwe, and VWC is the goddamn antithesis of pweasuwe. VWC takes wife fwom chiwdwen and kittens and puts that puwe innocence into phawwic cancew pus. VWC is disappointment and hate of humanity funnewwed into bawewy wecognisabwe video that takes a wewease and shits aww ovew it befowe making a shit scuwptuwe out of the souws of evewyone who encoded and typeset this. Evewyone using VWC is the dwegs of humanity, if even that, content with postuwating whatevew ass tawk they can squeeze out of the withewed wectum of theiw wasted wives.
Comments - 4
Setsugennoao (uploader)