Hi to all! Today I'll share all the endings and the insert song of this Cardfight!! Vanguard spin-off anime
I don't saw the anime, and I don't listened to the songs, but since it isn't anywhere on the web, I decided to share them
So much thanks to Tsuba of Hikari no Akari for all the songs, and sorry for the troubles jeje
Ok, this actually are 8 singles of one song each, for that reason, I decided to make a "batch" and put all in one archive, for the sake of upload and download

Release date of each single, and Eps:
01. Sonata: January 13, 2019 (Endings EP01 and EP10)
02. Fina: January 20, 2019 (Endings EP02 and EP06)
03. Kanon: January 27, 2019 (Endings EP03 and EP11)
04. Serena: February 03, 2019 (Endings EP04 and EP08)
05. Caro: February 10, 2019 (Endings EP05 and EP09)
06. Cier: February 24, 2019 (Ending EP07)
07. Etsuka Hatsuta: February 24, 2019 (Insert Song EP07)
08. Colorful Pastorale: March 31, 2019 (Ending EP12)
Japanese tracklist:
01. シャボン -ソナタver.-
02. シャボン -フィナver.-
03. シャボン -カノンver.-
04. シャボン -セレナver.-
05. シャボン -キャロver.-
06. シャボン -チェルver.-
07. シャボン
08. シャボン -カラフル・パストラーレver.-
Romaji tracklist:
01. Shabon -Sonata ver.-
02. Shabon -Fina ver.-
03. Shabon -Kanon ver.-
04. Shabon -Serena ver.-
05. Shabon -Caro ver.-
06. Shabon -Cier ver.-
07. Shabon
08. Shabon -Colorful Pastorale ver.-
Direct downloads: https://polocool95.blogspot.com/2022/08/bermuda-triangle-colorful-pastorale.html
HnA page: https://hikarinoakari.com
VGMdb info: https://vgmdb.net/product/7099
PD: I don't include the Opening because it's from BanG Dream!, and I think is easy to find it around the internet, likewise, it's called "Wonderland Girl", and was sung by Pastel✽Palettes, and it was released as b-side on their 4th single, "Tenka Touitsu A to Z☆" (天下トーイツ A to Z☆)
Anyway, this is all, I'm glad to manage to request all the song, enjoy them!
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