[SOSSubs] Pocket Monsters - A Day with Yadoking (480p) [78C76A5C].mkv

2022-08-13 19:27 UTC
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24.5 MiB
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**Translation & Timing:** SatoshisMom **Editing & Typesetting:** TakeshisSlugma **Raw:** WinxBloom1988 **Spec:** Video Codec: x264, 8bit Video Resolution: 640x480 Video Frame Rate: 23.97fps (Constant) Audio Codec: AAC @ 48khz Subtitles: English (ASS) Source: Movie 2 R2J (ZMBP-551) Sup. This is just a quick one to let everyone know we're **not** dead and progress is coming along smoothly. Advanced Generation is up to about episode 70 and I believe Gold & Silver has just been QC'd. The idea of release Advanced Generation all at once is currently being tossed around, but we're not really too sure just yet. I personally think everyone would appreciate having it out in chunks as opposed to waiting another year, so let us know :) **I'm looking for a dedicated encoder for the original series.** As it stands, we're just sitting on a hoard of sources that aren't being touched and it seems noone is too keen on touching a 279 episode encoding project. If you are a nerd and/or have a somewhat competent knowledge of VapourSynth and terrible Film->Digital composite transfers from the early 2000's, feel free to reach out. If no one comes forward to help on this front, I'll just release the sources in one big torrent most likely. That'll be VOB's for all 65 DVD episodes that exists and KIDS STATION .ts for the Sponsors, Jikai's and other missing segments/episodes. Lastly, **if you can do TLC or QC/Edit, feel free to reach out.** As this is a 2-person operation. Additional people would speed things **greatly**. To get in touch, contact "mbc" on #pokemon @ irc.hoshinet.org Revised edits of Mystery Dungeon, Winter Vacation & the Movies with their shorts are also in the works. The thought of listening to the movie short songs is making me procrastinate on this greatly. -- Despite WinxBloom1988 being responsible for the RAW, they are not in anyway affiliated with this release. We're just using the best source currently available to us.

File list

  • [SOSSubs] Pocket Monsters - A Day with Yadoking (480p) [78C76A5C].mkv (24.5 MiB)
Awesome. Eagerly waiting for Johto subs, it is the first season I didn't fully watch when I was kid.
are DVDs/kids station the best sources? there are also JP amazon webdls and the USBD for first 50 kanto eps. and a million other different regions dvds and webdls. honestly i don't want to imagine how much preliminary work must be done to even begin trying to create definitive encodes for something like this. then the actual process itself would be nightmarish. working with DVDs, dealing with edits in both other regions and later JP releases, framerate woes, etc. you'd probably need SoM level resources and then some. we should probably just be thankful for winxbloom.

trubbish (uploader)

Gotta remember that the Japanese & English cuts are drastically different. From what we've seen (and I really can't stress it, we've seen **most** sources), the DVD's and Kids Station are the most competent and complete sources. Even then, they're not even good sources. WEB-DL's are just encodes of those already bad sources. Most R1's look like a pile of vaseline (ever watched the Orange Island DVD's?), Most R2's (PAL) suffer from 25fps-isms (Speed, Ghosting, etc) and look like vaseline, Region 3 (or Asia) only has VideoCD's until late-AG (their DVD's are actually very nice) and Region 4, well, see Region 2. The Blu-Ray for Season 1 is likely the best source and it's entirely possible to use that footage, but at the end of the day it's just an upscale of the same source for the DVD's.The DVD's at least give us the interlaced source to work from and creative freedom in that aspect. The R1's for the last few Master Quest episodes (the digital ones) would far succeed Kids Station however. The question of "wait, what is the "complete edition" of all of this?" has come into question many times. We don't know about or don't have access to many syndicated or original broadcasts airings and we don't know what segments are missing or where they should go. Did you know there's separate digital masters for the purple Jynx episodes in Japan? Oh but they still air the old Jynx episodes? There's just so many nuances that trying to work from this many sources for 279 episodes is just impossible *as it stands*. Sony, if you're reading this, just release a $500 Blu-Ray BOX. Or if anyone reading this has access to transfers or the actual physical DigiBeta's for the show then do feel free to get in touch :P
thank you for the comprehensive answer. i will also sign the petition for sony to release a $500 BD box. i'm sure if we reach 50 signatures they'll definitely do it. it is a bummer that the OG airings are mostly lost media at this point, and that the sources that are available are so mediocre. those dragon ball kids don't know how good they have it (actually, they probably do). even yu-gi-oh has complete DVDs at least. so weird that we don't have complete R2J DVDs for OS. good luck with the rest of project, cannot wait for johto so i can finally watch all of TOS in it's glorious original language.

trubbish (uploader)

Much more to come :)
Thanks for the update! Glad to hear the project is not dead. Im still hoping this year the releases of Johto Journeys,League and Master Quest JP Version upto 279 episodes 🙏 ^_^ I appreciate all the hardwork from you guys. You will be known in history for completing the eng sub Pokemon JP ver. :) BTW I love Musashi and Shirona in JP version :3 and CANT STAND TO WATCH THE US version of them :(
Thank you SO much for all that you do! It's so nice to see Pokemon get completed too (and with no dub names in the subs, either!) Since you did do this ep of Yadoking, I am curious if you also (at any point in the future once all of this current work is done), plan to do Pokemon Hosou/Weekly Station/Chronicles? Only a few eps of those have ever been subbed (not including Legend of Thunder or the Winter OVAs), and I always keep finding different episode counts for them too.

trubbish (uploader)

@grawl We plan to sub all of Side Stories once Advanced Generation is complete (which is currently on episode 100). We intend to do all the ANA shorts, all movies and all specials for AG too. We do lack closed captions for pretty much all Side Stories episodes however so this might take a bit more time.
Awesome! All your work on this is greatly appreciated! I'm thankful there are still actual fansub groups still around that are subbing unsubbed content.