**Translation**: daburuwosagase, pocketlink
**Editing**: pocketlink
**Timing**: MechaSeraph
**OP/ED TL & Karaoke**: pocketlink
**Typesetting**: garagewolf, pocketlink, daburuwosagase
**QC**: gusherbug
[Wordpress Post](https://boilsub.wordpress.com/2022/08/25/boil-duel-masters-king-24/) - [Mega DDL](https://mega.nz/file/YOAEHaaS#ABg5jKVu6MazmTAYe3Oaw8i6wxA5PlkCaF7u9Qp7BCA)
Oh my god the amount of typesetting this took. Never again. Jesus christ. I understand why Duel Masters doesn't have full series subs o7
@pocketlink This episode is VERY well done.
But regarding your note at the end of the Description, this series at least deserves a standard dialogue translation so that ppl can watch it and actually understand what's going on in there, and let it be softsub so it can be translated in multiple languages.
If that bare minimum is meet, I'm sure everyone would be satisfied even with just that.
Comments - 1