[Casual Tapir] Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight The Movie.mkv

2022-08-31 05:39 UTC
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8.5 GiB
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[Lastest subtitle file with fixes](https://mega.nz/file/9kcVVJIL#bja7HmAewloikJgLUorSjaVrIeVKPPM2zDm_1VSE29c) ![the homies](https://i.imgur.com/fxbb9Cd.jpg) Hi, I adore this movie. But the subs that are out are not the best sadly. So here's mine. I am a manga person, not a fansubber, so these also aren't the best, but they are at least better imo. It would be cool if someone made actually good™ subs for this movie, but I am not the one to do so. But I won't let perfection get in the way of probably better. Mainly signs & songs can be improved, and someone to join me in the insanity of picking wtf 舞台 means in context at each usage. Things I touched * I reviewed each line of dialogue about 5 times at least, some more such as the lines in the Revues. * Memes Things I didn't touch (much): * Signs * Karoke The base is Veggie, but is heavily modified. Thanks to [Veggie Subs](https://spicyveggiesub.tumblr.com/) for translating this movie. To Jennifer Challenger, good try. video source is [VCB-Studio](https://nyaa.si/view/1541162). Use mpv. I spent too much time on this project, as I started it back in February. Was it worth it? IDK. Is it better? IDK. ![I am done](https://i.imgur.com/7WuGNa3.png) If you have any suggestions to dialogue let me know. I might make a v2 if there's enough and/or I have a stoke of genius.

File list

  • [Casual Tapir] Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight The Movie.mkv (8.5 GiB)
allegedly very based release
Jennifer Challenger is King Midas of Shit.
>I spent too much time on this project, as I started it back in February. Was it worth it? IDK. Is it better? IDK. I know that feel bro
The latest subs link is down :(

friend_or_food (uploader)

Hmm Mega deleted all my files. Well it's back up. I'll think of a better solution.