Encode: [VCB](https://nyaa.si/view/1544985)
Subs: Asakura.
The wait has been long, but I can finally release it. Most of the episodes, especially early ones were completely retimed, signs, while few in quantity, were touched upon and fixed to fit BDs.
Let me know if anything breaks! But be aware, because filenames are quite long, it can create issues if you **put this deep in the drive structure.**
Isekai Yakkyoku batch should be soon.
Enjoy and please seed as long as you can!
Please note, that I only support [mpv](https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/) to play the files correctly, so use that! If you find any errors, please let me know.
**[Patch](https://mega.nz/file/MNIDnboa#_DWmNQAtOqxE6Dge_CafpX6ZJ2-DU1se_3jXrOvGh_U) fixing CRC problems.** Nothing was actually corrupted, but qbittorent changed something in the files after adding them to the app, causing CRC mismatch. Put downloaded files (including NCs), in "original" folder and run .bat file.
I believe the "double summon" version has all the BD changes plus additional scenes being uncensored.
Even if you trust VCB you can only do so much working with an inferior source.
@Aergia I also heard, Double Summon uncensoring were mostly questionable (like fleshy nipples or something). That's why I chose not to take anything from there or do a batch of Double Summon.
And here I thought there wouldn't be any problem with the release...
Looks like qbittorrent somehow "corrupted" the files. They seem to have modified *during* the time torrent was created.
Looks like Aergia was right, double summon is more uncensored than BD (and I wouldn't say the uncensoring is bad). What kinda bullshit is this?
@Vanair when good encode (like VCB) is available.
@Animorphs I have seen this and tbh, that's uncensoring doesn't look good to me. It just doesn't add anything.
Anyway, I won't be doing Double Summon release, so anyone can feel free to take this subs and make their own release with it.
Comments - 18
Asakura (uploader)
Asakura (uploader)
Asakura (uploader)
Asakura (uploader)
Asakura (uploader)