![Maruko088](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgejqpl4IJDo6UO8n6saQDVr35RqD4CusVdP8zEQcGokQ5WoOCoYHXrpbq-RmBnhYg3z_7DIlgikrpouV_BJbRnJp1P_1fY1qoruyRJ9L7q3coc_AjfyiDhKhPBsyuOAP05y-uXGd-LQUIVR4IfbRJa2jE9CvltDtJTdU_E1Fa21Tw5AG2njDbgHNqq/w400-h300/vlcsnap-2022-10-30-13h17m20s686.png "Maruko 88")
**Episode 88: Grandpa's Trip Around the World!**
**Original Airdate: September 15th, 1991**
It's Respect for the Aged Day, and Maruko wants to do something nice for her grandparents for a change -- she's going to make their dreams come true! However, Maruko has to think outside-of-the-box when Grandpa insists that his dream is to take a trip around the world.
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