Marico (真璃子) - Pony Canyon Discography (1988-1994) FLAC

2022-12-03 06:01 UTC
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1.8 GiB
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She originally debuted in 1986 as an idol for For LIfe Records where she stayed and had a moderately-successful career as one until the end of 1987. She didn't release new singles for almost a year until she transferred to Pony Canyon (but not as an idol anymore) and resumed releasing recordings by the latter half of 1988. She would then release more stuff until 1995 (although she only had one release in 1995 which was taken from her 1993 album, and she also did not release anything in 1992). She then retired from the entertainment industry to focus on her growing family until her return in the industry in 2013 (she would however show herself in the public eye more the year prior). She started to release more and celebrated her 35th anniversary with a new album in 2021. included here are her recordings from her Pony Canyon-era plus singles, b-sides included as bonus tracks in her four albums. Enjoy and happy holidays! :> ![Yumi](

File list

  • Marico (真璃子) - The Pony Canyon Years (1988-1994)
    • 1988 - 21世紀の子供達へ (+4)
      • 01. 今生まれたよ (OPENING VERSION) - 真璃子.flac (23.8 MiB)
      • 02. はだかの王様 - 真璃子.flac (21.8 MiB)
      • 03. わんぱく時代 - 真璃子.flac (20.1 MiB)
      • 04. ひなたぼっこ - 真璃子.flac (25.2 MiB)
      • 05. 地球はお腹すかないのかな - 真璃子.flac (25.7 MiB)
      • 06. 愛ってなあーに - 真璃子.flac (26.5 MiB)
      • 07. 勇気を下さい - 真璃子.flac (31.8 MiB)
      • 08. 涙は笑顔にかくして - 真璃子.flac (30.1 MiB)
      • 09. ONLY YOU - 真璃子.flac (27.0 MiB)
      • 10. 今生まれたよ (ENDING VERSION) - 真璃子.flac (22.6 MiB)
      • 11. お嫁に行きたい - 真璃子.flac (26.7 MiB)
      • 12. 愛、リターン - 真璃子.flac (22.8 MiB)
      • 13. 届かなかったAIR MAIL - 真璃子.flac (29.8 MiB)
      • 14. あなたとならここちいい - 真璃子.flac (26.7 MiB)
    • 1989 - Be happy 元気を出してね (+6)
      • 01. Never Again - 真璃子.flac (24.0 MiB)
      • 02. 心に届いて - 真璃子.flac (30.9 MiB)
      • 03. 恋かもしれない - 真璃子.flac (26.7 MiB)
      • 04. Kiss me darling - 真璃子.flac (26.3 MiB)
      • 05. 櫻 - 真璃子.flac (29.9 MiB)
      • 06. CHINA BOY - 真璃子.flac (29.8 MiB)
      • 07. あいまいなブルー - 真璃子.flac (31.9 MiB)
      • 08. JEALOUS - 真璃子.flac (30.5 MiB)
      • 09. RAIN - 真璃子.flac (28.8 MiB)
      • 10. 元気を出してね - 真璃子.flac (31.7 MiB)
      • 11. ふしぎなぼうけん - 真璃子.flac (24.2 MiB)
      • 12. ようこそぼくんちへ - 真璃子.flac (25.3 MiB)
      • 13. セシルの週末 - 真璃子.flac (34.2 MiB)
      • 14. 虹色の花 - 真璃子.flac (32.7 MiB)
      • 15. 心に届いて - 真璃子.flac (31.9 MiB)
    • 1990 - ヴィーナスたちの季節に (+6)
      • 01. VENUS - 真璃子.flac (42.7 MiB)
      • 02. ソリストの休日 - 真璃子.flac (29.2 MiB)
      • 03. ひとかけらのShooting Star - 真璃子.flac (32.3 MiB)
      • 04. 鏡の中の太陽 - 真璃子.flac (39.9 MiB)
      • 05. 10月の人魚 - 真璃子.flac (26.6 MiB)
      • 06. Boy Friend - 真璃子.flac (37.5 MiB)
      • 07. 夢を叶えて - 真璃子.flac (27.3 MiB)
      • 08. ルーレット (Album Version) - 真璃子.flac (31.1 MiB)
      • 09. 24th.Dec.20-45 - 真璃子.flac (30.4 MiB)
      • 10. 小さなオルゴール - 真璃子.flac (19.9 MiB)
      • 11. 偶然 - 真璃子.flac (25.1 MiB)
      • 12. 静かなまなざし - 真璃子.flac (20.4 MiB)
      • 13. ほうせんか - 真璃子.flac (26.5 MiB)
      • 14. あなたの海になりたい - 真璃子.flac (25.2 MiB)
      • 15. スターダスト - 真璃子.flac (32.1 MiB)
      • 16. ルーレット - 真璃子.flac (36.6 MiB)
    • 1993 - I love me. (+6)
      • 01. Moonlight propose - 真璃子.flac (28.6 MiB)
      • 02. ずっと好きだった・・・ - 真璃子.flac (29.6 MiB)
      • 03. 優しいだけじゃものたりないわ - 真璃子.flac (33.5 MiB)
      • 04. 突然の電話 - 真璃子.flac (31.5 MiB)
      • 05. こんな時はTrip - 真璃子.flac (37.3 MiB)
      • 06. 今度は私の番ね! - 真璃子.flac (34.2 MiB)
      • 07. Stormy night - 真璃子.flac (38.3 MiB)
      • 08. 気まぐれと云わせないから - 真璃子.flac (36.1 MiB)
      • 09. 懐かしさだけの季節を過ぎて - 真璃子.flac (31.4 MiB)
      • 10. Il est ma moitie - 真璃子.flac (44.2 MiB)
      • 11. この空は明日です - 真璃子.flac (31.6 MiB)
      • 12. Remain - 真璃子.flac (23.5 MiB)
      • 13. 花咲く丘で・・・ - 真璃子.flac (27.9 MiB)
      • 14. 「元気だよ、忘れてないよ」 - 真璃子.flac (35.1 MiB)
      • 15. 素直になって・・・ - 真璃子.flac (30.8 MiB)
      • 16. 抱きしめたいの - 真璃子.flac (30.2 MiB)

flinchstrut (uploader)

Notice: I will be uploading her idol era (For Life Records, 1986-1987) soon! :>